Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yoga for Beginners

We continue to comprehend asanas, with which you can start to learn yoga. 

Pose "Frog" 

Good stretches the back muscles, arms and thighs. 

So here we go. Get on your knees, uprites hands on the floor. Arrange your knees as wide as possible, bend your elbows and lean forward. But do not go. For inspiration, start to lower pelvis to the floor. Then lower the body until the end, put his head on his hands, if you're not stretched out his hands. 

Pose The Crescent 

This asana not only helps to relieve stress, but also well tightens leg muscles, hips and buttocks. 

Stand in the pose of "Triangle". 

Put your left hand on left thigh. Right hand uprites the floor. Slightly bend your right knee, then straighten your right knee, begin to raise the left leg until it is parallel to the floor. Straighten your left arm so that the fingers looked up. Take 3 - 5 breaths. Then put your left hand on left thigh. Slightly bend your right knee and lower left leg. Again, straighten your right knee and take a stance "Triangle". 

Pose "of all finite" 

This posture helps to relax the back muscles, relieves stress and helps to cope with nervous tension. 

Lie on the floor, his hands pull along the body with your palms down. Legs straightened and placed shoulder-width apart. On the inhale bend your knees and pull them to the chest. Then lower the legs and once again pull them to him so that his knees touched his forehead, and the foot looked at the ceiling. Uprites hands in the waist, hold your elbows to your body, straighten your legs, and make 5 - 10 deep breaths. Then bend your legs and lower arms on the floor. Return to starting position. 

Pose "Happy Child" 

Asana relaxes the back muscles, helps to open hips, buttocks and cope with anxiety. 

Lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor on the width of the hips, arms stretched out along the body, hand look at the ceiling. On the inhale, lift his legs so that knees have sought to shoulders, but not touching them. Make sure that the legs were all the time on the width of the hips. Grasp the foot with his hands. And slightly lower the knees to the side towards the floor. Take 5 - 10 deep breaths. 

Pose "Hero" and pose "the Force" 

The pose makes joints more flexible, helps prepare the mind for meditation, stretches the muscles of the legs. 

Get on your knees, spread your feet. Put hands on the calves. Lower hips to his feet. Take two deep breaths and exhale. On the inhale bend your elbows and bend your body back. Can stay in this position. And you can go ahead and slowly lie down on the floor. Take 5 - 10 deep breaths. Then bend at the elbow, first with one hand, then another, and slowly, lift your torso. 

Pose "Rabbit" 

This asana relieves pain in the back, neck and head, stretches the back muscles and spine, improves digestion, helps to cope with insomnia. 

Take a stance "Kid". Clasp your ankles with his hands. Round the toes toward the floor; uprites crown in the floor. Inhale and exhale. Lift the tailbone. And slightly leaning forward. Take 5 - 10 deep breaths.

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