Monday, June 28, 2010

Yoga for beginners : Part-2

We continue the story of asanas, which can carry people, just starting to practice yoga. All poses have an impact on the state of our body and mind, regardless of their complexity. 

Pose Corpse 

Corpse Pose or Savasana helps relieve stress and cope with insomnia, headaches easier. 

Lie on your back. Legs stretched out and slightly apart. Arms straight and well separated slightly to the side. Hands are looking up. The waist is pressed to the floor. Relax. Take a few deep breaths. 

Pose "Wide Step" 

This asana is good stretches and strengthens the leg muscles, develop flexibility and relieves stress. 

Let's start with posture "A dog with his head bowed." From this asana take a step forward with your right foot so that foot is caught between his palms. Lower your left knee on the floor. Make sure that the toes and lower leg were pinned to the floor. 

Slowly raise your body. At the same time dilute the hands to the sides and lift upward, so that his hands touched. Your hands should be parallel to the ears. 

Aspiratory rot back as far as you can. Take a few deep breaths. Then slowly return to starting position - "A dog with his head bowed. 

Tilt forward with your legs crossed 

Excellent posture for relaxation and meditation. Sit on the floor, legs crossed. Make 3 deep breaths and exhale. Uprights palm on the floor in front of him and gently lift the hips. Then lower them. For inspiration take a few steps forward with his hands so that the spin at the same time remained straight. Do not round your back. Make 3 deep breaths and exhale. Then, try to stretch them even further, keeping your back straight. Take 3 deep breaths and inhale. Then slowly return to starting position. 

Tilt forward with straight legs 

This is a more complicated position, and you need some time to achieve the flexibility to implement it. This asana stretches well back muscles, shoulders and feet, stimulates the abdominal organs, improves digestion, helps to cope with discomfort during menstruation; facilitates headaches, bad helps in treating insomnia, sinusitis, high blood pressure and infertility. In the ancient texts of this position is written, that it improves appetite, treats illness and promotes weight loss. 

Sit on the floor, legs stretched out before him, buttocks pressed against the floor. Beginners can advise beneath the priest rolled up towel. Raise your hands straight up so that the body makes an angle of 90 degrees. Then inhale slowly starts to tilt body forward until you have a 45 degree angle. Try to keep your back straight. Then grasp the big toes of the thumb and index fingers. On the inhale straighten your back; on the exhale bend your elbows. On the inhale bend forward as you can below. Once you hit the wall, touch his head down. Take 5 - 10 deep breaths. 

Direct lateral angle 

This asana stretches the good leg muscles, waist, chest, shoulders, back, makes the joints more mobile. Moreover, stimulates the abdominal organs. 

You can not do asanas headaches, high blood pressure and insomnia. 

There are two assumptions - "Pose Mountains" or "Pose Warrior II" . We suggest you start with "Poses Mountains. Aspiratory place feet slightly wider than shoulders. Raise your hands parallel to the floor and dilute to the side. Turn the left foot slightly inward, so that she looked to the right, the right foot and then expand outwards. Bend your right leg. Make sure the knee was on the same level with the foot. 

On the inhale, expand the body to the left and right hand uprites elbow in his right knee. The left hand is raised up. Palm facing the direction of the body. Then lower your right foot in front and uprights the floor. Feel the stretch your muscles. 

Once you get comfortable, can complicate the position. To do this, the left hand lower and set up behind his back, arrange the hand over the right thigh. Lift your right hand from the floor and clutched his left hand under the right foot. Take a few deep breaths. 

Then again uprites the floor with his right hand, left, lift up and slowly return to starting position. Repeat for other arm.

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