Saturday, June 19, 2010

Yoga. Asanas for beginners

Sometimes, looking at the asanas, it becomes a little uncomfortable. Even difficult to imagine what you can create with your body. If you can not afford lessons with a trainer, then here are some tips from what asanas you'd better start.

Pose the Most

Pose the most "good help to relieve stress, stretches the back muscles, chest and neck, stimulates the abdominal organs and helps to eliminate foot fatigue, improves digestion. Well it helps with asthma, high blood pressure, sinusitis, and osteoporosis. A good exercise to improve muscle tone thighs and buttocks.

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet pressed to the floor, his hands pull along the body, palm down. On the inhale lift your hips from the floor, hold hands and shoulders firmly against the floor. Lift the hips as possible. Hold this pose for 5 - 10 breaths.

The pose of "Camels"

Pose "Camel" helps relieve mild back pain, pain during menstruation, anxiety and stress. In addition, performing this asana, you have a muscle pull the front of the body, improve posture and work the abdominal organs, as well as energize.

Get on your knees, back straight, your knees should be directly under the hips, round toes. Hands on hips place, so that the fingers looked at the floor.

Then take a deep breathe and feel your ribs move upward, begin to deviate ago. Imagine that, between your legs and back is a big ball. Bending down, round the back. Slowly put his hands on the heel. Take 5 deep breaths, his head thrown back. Do not strain your muscles of the face and neck.

Aspiratory tighten all the muscles and return to the starting position.

Pose "Cats - Cows"

Pose "Cats - Cows" helps relieve stress, stretch the muscles of the body, well relieves stress from the spine, bad working out the muscles of the press.

Get on all fours. Brush directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Round the fingers and toes. Inspiratory rot back into the waist, lift the chest and tailbone, eyes directed forward, throw back his head is not necessary. On the exhale tighten muscles press and a rounded back. Make six repetitions at a slow pace.

Posture "chair"

This asana is good prevention flatfoot. Moreover, well-strengthens the muscles of the hips, buttocks, calves, back. This asana is not recommended for headaches, insomnia and low blood pressures.

Take a stance "Mountains" . On the inhale, lift your hands straight up and bend your knees so your thighs become parallel to the floor, well, or at least aspired to it. Take 10 deep breaths. Feel the burn your muscles.

Pose "Kid"

This is one of the easiest asanas. Nevertheless, she has several useful properties. Thus, this position is good stretches the muscles of the hips, buttocks back. Eases back pain, bad helps with menstrual pain.

It can not be made with the knee injury, diarrhea and pregnancy.

Get on your knees and lower your buttocks to your heels, put his hands on hips. On the inhale bend your body forward and touch the forehead of sex, straighten your arms and lower or front or along the body. Take 5 - 10 deep breaths.

Buddha Konasana

Roughly translated it means "Linked corner, but you can meet even the name" Butterfly pose. It is believed that this is one of the main seating asana yoga. It has a wide range of impacts:

1. Stimulates the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

2. Improves the functioning of the heart and blood circulation in general.

3. Stretches the muscles of the legs.

4. Relieves depression and stress.

5. Helps to cope with menstrual pain.

6. Perform well as prevention and additions to the treatment: flat feet, asthma, high blood pressure, infertility.

7. It is believed that by performing this asana during pregnancy can ease childbirth.

8. Ancient believed that this position is able to destroy any disease and get rid of fatigue.

That's what a good asana. Sit on the floor, feet come in contact with each other. Grasp the big toes with three fingers of the hand: a big, index and middle. Move the foot as close to the groin. Try to squeeze the thigh to the floor. Keep your back straight. Slowly lean forward and touch the forehead of sex. Make sure that as you lean forward, his back was straight. Take 5 deep breaths.

Pose Cobra

Performing this asana regularly, you'll improve your posture, strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. In addition, it stimulates the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, has a beneficial effect on the heart and lungs.

Ancient texts say that the posture of Cobra eliminates the disease and increases the tone.

You can not do asanas in pregnancy, headaches and back injury.

Lay on your stomach. Uprites palms on the floor in line with the chest. On the inhale slowly begins to detach from the floor: the head, chest and ribs. Rot as much as you can. Take 5 - 10 deep breaths. To the floor.

Performing any asana, remember that you always need to listen to your body. Do not hurry. After all, yoga - not competition, but the opportunity to open a something new. You can hold a pose for as long as you want. After all, some asanas you will enjoy more than others and perhaps will want to stay in them longer.

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