Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yoga : Parasite Padottanasana

This asana has a positive effect on the brain, liver, and kidneys. It tones the internal organs, calms the mind, relieves back pain, and good stretches leg muscles, buttocks and back. 

Indications: headaches, depression, fatigue. 

Contraindications: problems with the waist.

Technology Implementation 

Not all beginners can perform this exercise until the end. So you have a choice or slightly bent knees, or beneath the blanket over his head. 

1. Stand up in a pose of "Mountains" and spread your legs apart slightly. Hands on hips, place. Make sure that the feet are parallel to each other. Squeeze the foot to the floor as tightly as possible. Tighten your thigh muscles. Inhale and lift your chest higher, pull up. 

2. On the exhale, keeping your back straight, start slowly leaned forward. Once the body is parallel to the floor, uprites hands on the floor. Legs and arms should be perpendicular to the floor. Lift your head so you could see the ceiling. 

Tighten your thigh muscles, and try to arrange the legs as widely as possible. Take a few deep breaths. Now move the hands so that the palms were in line with the feet, ie between the legs. Make a few deep breaths. Bend your elbows toward the feet. And leaned forward even more so that you touched her head sex. The shoulders are lowered. Hold this position from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

3. Then on the exhale move the hands so that they were on both sides of the head, slowly lift the body and return to the starting position. 

I would like to recall that breathing plays an important role in the performance of asanas, it helps to cope c strain and enjoy the exercise. Also be careful that the back remains straight.

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