Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yoga during pregnancy: why and for whom?

During pregnancy the body exposed many chronic illnesses, is associated mainly with the reduction of immune mechanisms. All systems of the body almost from the first day of pregnancy are rebuilt, adapted to the new "status quo". But the complicated psychological and physical condition of women not even these chronic diseases, aggravation of which can be prevented, and daily negative feelings: heartburn, pain in the back and legs, insomnia, bad mood ... All women are not equal to the challenges of pregnancy, each brings their own way. In some cases, yoga helps to overcome the difficulties of pregnancy. 

Yoga - a practice that "helps unite body and mind. For modern man yoga is interesting in that allows you to analyze and control their emotions, which is very valuable in our turbulent world, and to maintain health, to prevent many diseases. At the same time want to note that yoga is not a panacea for disease, it is just a way to stay on a certain level, to prevent the development or progression of disease. Pregnant yoga makes it very mildly physically prepare for the birth (ie - maintain muscle tone, learn to breathe correctly) perceive psychologically calm processes of the organism (many women during pregnancy become emotionally unstable, affecting not only themselves, but also close people). 

Basic yoga for pregnant women: asanas, relaxation, breathing and meditation. Yoga Instructor Catherine Pradal, France 


Not all poses are suitable for pregnant women. The instructor selects the asanas, which help to cope with the increasing load on his back and legs form the habit of a woman's right to sit, stand, lie - to ensure a normal blood flow to the fetus. Regular sessions help women to adapt and at home, easier to carry the usual load, which during pregnancy appear to be severe. 

It is very important asanas, which help tone up the pelvic floor muscles. Normal tone of these muscles is important not only in childbirth but also in the postpartum period - the better the tone, the faster the recovery. 


Proper relaxation technique is useful at any stage of pregnancy, helps to compensate for the lack of sleep and fatigue (which often occurs during pregnancy insomnia, sleep disturbances of the structure and its inferiority affects the overall well-being and performance): 20 minutes of regular relaxation is equivalent to 2 hours of full sleep. 


Pranayama breathing technique that is recommended to practice during pregnancy not only helps to concentrate and recover emotional balance, but also has a direct influence on a child - during a full breathing increases fetal oxygen supply, which provides normal course of development processes. 


Regular practice of meditation can achieve a stable emotional state. As you know, to save the pregnant woman, a safe nurturing environment is important to calm the perception of reality, the ability to adequately respond even to negative events in life. This can be achieved through meditation. 

Doctors and trainers recommend yoga to begin their studies at 3-4 month of pregnancy in the absence of contraindications. It was at this time comes full awareness of the processes occurring in the body, begins rounded belly, a little later a woman can already feel the movement of the child. If a woman had been active in yoga and is familiar with the asanas, it must choose for charging (with instructor) very simple exercises. 

It is recommended to group sessions, as there usually is a positive emotional exchange between participants. Future mothers communicate, consult, ask each other questions, share experiences - all this creates a very favorable environment. As psychologists say, such a communication in communities of interest (by the way, this may be not only yoga) helps women to easily survive the postnatal period, when it can not communicate much with her girlfriends, as in the first months of her attention is focused on the child.

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