Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jan Sirs asana

As with any asana, it has to target different parts of our body. In performing this pose, you can:

1. Calm down and relax.

2. Sprained shoulder, hips, legs and back.

3. Improve the liver and kidneys.

4. Relieve the symptoms of menopause.

5. Establish digestion.

6. To cope with insomnia, sinusitis and high blood pressure.

7. Strengthen your back muscles during pregnancy (if no contraindications, can perform up to 2 terms). We should not bend forward to the end.

However, there are certain contraindications - asthma, diarrhea, and a knee injury.

Technology Implementation Jan Sirs asana

Before assuming this asana, I would like to give one piece of advice to beginners. In yoga, everything is important, so being in the position of John Sirs asana be careful to bend my leg slid over the line. The leg should be bent so that you could see the foot.

And now we pass directly to the implementation of the asana. You want a towel or pillow. Sit on a pillow or blanket, so that the buttocks are raised. The legs pull out in front of him.

On the inhale bend your right leg at the knee and pull the leg to the groin. Lower the knee to the floor, the foot must touch the inner surface of the thigh left leg. If you get a knee sex is problematic, you can gently move the foot toward the knee or beneath his blanket. Put your right hand on right thigh and left uprites the floor behind him. Exhale and turn the body slightly to the left.

For inspiration, start to lean forward while stretching out her hands. Your belly button should have middle of the left thigh. If you are a beginner, you do this exercise once you are unlikely to turn out. Do everything slowly. You can slightly bend the knee straight legs. With each breath, try to bend a little forward. When you get the necessary stretching, you will be able to get his head to the knee.

Hold this position and do 10 - 15 deep breaths. At the last gasp, start slowly building up. And return to the starting position. Change legs.


Almost any position can be harder or easier to make, depending on your level of preparation. In some classes of yoga to people who can not bend with a straight leg, advised to use a tourniquet. Fold it in half, his foot followed by the Centre and the edges are kept wide apart with his hands. And gradually winding burn on his hand, a man bends forward corps.

Alternatively - you can perform this pose without taking knee to the side and sitting on the bent leg.

The hardest thing to do this exercise with both legs outstretched. This variation can be performed for people with good physical preparation.

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