Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good posture

Posture is important for the general form of man. It reflects the physical and mental condition of his. Illness and loss of zest for life is reflected in the demeanor. Wonder about the morale of broken people say: "He's spineless!". 

The first condition is good posture - is a direct spin. If the back is straight, the man automatically correctly holds his head, shoulders and stomach. During his illness, I developed a very bad posture: shoulders slumped, his back bent, belly vyper forward. "Pose Lotus and breathing exercises, in which the need to stand up straight, and sleep on the floor fix my posture. 

Do not follow the path of permanent "retracting" stomach. This leads to the fact that the muscles of the lower abdomen reduced and are in constant tension, which is very harmful. 

If you want to be slim, do udiyanu, the slopes, plow, stretching and exercise, removes gases.

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