Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to relax?

Remove the jacket, shoes, belt and tie shoot. Remove glasses if you're wearing them. Lie down, stretched out. Extend arms over head and stretch as much as possible, straining his body. Then a sharp drop his hands along the body and relax. 

With eyes closed, concentrate attention first on the tips of your toes and relax them, imagine that your feet, legs and thighs gradually immersed in a pleasant warm water and all the muscles relax. Relax and back, spine, shoulders, wrists, hands, fingers. Let drop the chin and relax your facial muscles. The body is becoming heavier and heavier, it obmyaknet on the carpet and you do not feel it at all. Stay well for a few minutes - very relaxed and serene. Now suppose you feel that you - puff, easy and free floating in the blue sky. Then perestante think about it. Try not to think about anything but force is not pushing back the idea. Flee. Imagine that you are in a trance. To do this, try lowering the eyelids, raised and lowered eyes. You are relaxed, completely relaxed, like a cloud, floating in the sky. Before you get up, stretch and zevnite. Turn on the right side and bend your back, then on the left side. Lie quiet moment. Finally, sit down, yawning and stretching and slowly stand up. Do not jump in! How are you feeling? Does not that you rest as never before. If you do this every day, you will cope with internal stress and on their own will be able to otbrasyvat anxiety. Those who learn to rest and relax, knows the secret of a happy, healthy and long life.

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