Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yoga for Women

God created man and woman that they are as equal partners shared the hardships and rewards of life, its joys and sorrows. If you compare life with a chariot, a man and a woman - two of its wheels. The material and spiritual duties equally borne by men and women. Both want to have good health, peace of mind and lead a balanced life. 

Yoga is favorable for both men and women. Women need yoga, even more than men, as nature left them with more responsibility, than men. The art of yoga is as old as the Vedas. When we read stories of those times, we have the impression that in many areas women are superior to men. None other than the goddess Parvati, the first suffered the science of yoga, catalysed the god Shiva to teach her. 

Maitreya, the wife of the great yogi and philosopher Yajnavalkya reached freedom of spirit through yoga. This art has taught her husband, whose teachings in the book Yogayadzhnyavalkya. In a well-known episode from the Ramayana describes Rama's parting with relatives when he was exiled for 14 years and sent to live in the woods. Kausala His mother, stricken with grief, she knew that no one blessing, uttered with tears in their eyes, will not bring good luck. In order to achieve self-control, she became involved in asanas and pranayama, and only then, when recovered from the shock, and gained peace of mind, was for Rama and blessed him. 

In the Vedic period to women treated with great respect. Manu Smriti says about them as goddesses. 

Where women are respected, there live the gods. 
Where they are neglected, all acts are futile. 

In the Vedic period there have been cases where women were subjected to initiation ceremonies, they study the Vedas in Gurukul (house master) and trained in various arts such as wrestling, archery, yoga, music and drama. Over time, the situation of women in society became more and more secondary and its freedom curtailed, even if it is respected as a mother and her pinned some public duties. It was seen as the weaker sex and thus deprived of social status, privileges that she enjoyed in the Vedic era. She was denied the Gurukul and the ceremony of initiation. She was denied access to the study of philosophy, science, arts and yoga, so that its position has deteriorated further. 

The later history of India is full of reports of the battles with the invaders who invaded from the north-west. Indian women were severely affected by their social insecurity. Despite this, some women Yogini yoga system successfully spreading across India: for example, Lall, holy to the XIV. from Kashmir, and the holy Bahinabay preached yoga and meditation, Sharada Devi, wife of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, was versed in yoga and pranayama, 

The path to yoga is open to all regardless of race, caste, creed and gender. Everyone can attain liberation through yoga! 

Nowadays, the situation of women has improved significantly compared with the periods of smrti, Puranas, and even the later stories. Her intelligence, insight and creative force found room for a more complete expression. On stage performer, she lives many roles - daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend. In all these roles a woman must be at altitude. In Samkhya yoga woman compared with Prakriti (nature). As in nature, it must always be active. Only under this condition, it succeeds in life and her house is filled with joy. Wonder Kalidasa displays a woman in the role of life-giving spark in the family. This same engine is a spark of spiritual uplift of society.

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