Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Work on the techniques of meditation

It seems that to many is still unclear what meditation is what you are, not what you do. So do not confondiamola with any technique devised to aid and that in the early stages seem, for the most relaxing ways. Since beginners are hardly able to reach that particular type of relaxation in a lucid and direct, this is replaced by un'escamotage, technique. 

The techniques of meditation are tricks to bring attention to themselves and to the present moment. Meditation is an experience of openness. When meditating must remain open to experience, possible. Not necessarily because that is expected to happen consciously or unconsciously prefigured dreamed, longed, pleaded, desirable. 

Techniques of meditation should be explained only by those who have experienced directly. The main purpose, as well as describe as faithfully as possible the various circumstances which must presumably encounter, is to illustrate with appropriate terms and relevant. Expressions which not only makes the idea of real prospects, but which correspond to the common understanding. To insist on this point is far from trivial. Distortions of interpretation which can occur are endless. 

Why meditate? Meditation as a search for truth, or truths about meditation? The Truth is in the present. Chasing the truth is to look for the present moment. However look for is an asset. As such it is outward-looking and involves vitality, dynamism and versatility. But when the search converges on a single goal, the moment you create a very specific situation. The energies of attention routinely used to interact with the outside world will be mobilized to explore the inner. All techniques of meditation are tricks to bring the mind from the past or the future to the present. 

Just when we committed or involved in seeking a spiritual dimension and truth, she escapes and becomes a mundane object. On the contrary, be here and now present for your presentation, is truth, freedom, nirvana. 
A question 

The techniques of meditation are ways to remove barriers and open doors in the light of Truth. But what are these barriers? The first is the thought, multiple levels of thoughts. Here's an example of a possible misunderstanding. 

Name: Salvia 
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 

I have read, the speech of the Buddha on the practice of teacher awareness of the breath. My question is simple, when I meditate and directs attention to the breath, I have to consciously make the concept: "now I'm breathing out," now I am breathing "? I am not sure if my attention must be devoid of linguistic concepts. I did not understand, you could help me on this? There would be very grateful. 

First, pay attention to the physical location of a moment that you take to meditation. Sit properly and spine very straight. Giving consideration to the mechanical components of the breath. For example, the abdomen is lifted or tents, etc.. 

Do not describe in detail the process because you should find out for yourself. If you do not dwell I'd simply follow my curiosity losing that small illustrations that help you stay interested and awake. However note that there is nothing to grab, edit, address. This is just to understand what happens spontaneously. 

Later, with time, days, weeks, months, you should proceed by attention to the physical component of the flow of breath or dynamic factor, to the perception of breathing itself. So no more tangible sense of the flow of air, its freshness, vitality and rejuvenated you send helps to brighten, but a quality that you'll be able to identify themselves as soon as your meditation becomes pure serenity, calm , clarity, transparency, clarity. 

What is this? Again, if you do not say it would not help. On the other hand, in the books is already much more than you have set out so quickly. Only two recommendations. Perform these exercises exclusively if they Trai concrete benefits. Tralasciali Otherwise why not be generally necessary. 

Meditation is above life, presence of mind, awareness, not technical. Devotes at least the same amount of time spent on the exercise of meditation to carry out a suitable and adequate physical activity. 

Hello, Thank you for the question. Typically these responses re-use as articles or otherwise. 

Of course I have not reported the above description to illustrate a specific technique, how to clarify the difference between thinking in a particular circumstance and live it. A bill would, for example, imagine or foreshadow a promising new beautiful sunrise, a very different, however, ritrovarcisi inside. 

The techniques of meditation are real devices that are lived and not thought about. 

It is not good distinction between mind and body. In reality there is only the mind-body entity. An organic unity. With meditation you try to be more careful and therefore more aware, both to themselves and to others. The difference between a human being, an animal, a plant, a rock, it's just a question of more or less consciously. As for the practice itself can be chosen. Someone thinks it is unnecessary to take a particular stance or engage in a certain year, but so, in my opinion, everything becomes more difficult. And there is, however, who adopt a technique. 

Indeed, those engaging in the practice of a technique never stops to think, is obvious. Even the feelings of inner peace, silence, which occur during meditation, are forms of thought. As the mirror of the mind can be cleansed of every speck of dust so that it is sharp and clear and reflects its objects without being scratched or affected, experiencing calm and serenity, it will still be a normal perceptual activity. 

However, you can suspend analysis, labeling or interpretation of every single detail. During exercise specific meditation thoughts with some thin out gradually. One who meditates regularly fails to receive a summary of the general circumstances and respond in real need and not so redundant. That sense of partnership that eventually detached comes not only understanding of what is, or passive acceptance, receptivity, as real efficiency. You leave the superfluity for the essentials. All. 

The meditator expert from becoming involved is less than by others from their thoughts. Not identified as before. Do not submit passively. However, the failure to identify not mean that it will remain cold and insensitive, quite the contrary. Not find themselves victims of their own or another's fickleness. Resentment, hatred, all the so-called negative emotions did not nothing to him. Obviously get, but in the distance. As if you do not really concern them. Possessiveness, attachments, passions, love, are transformed into sharing, sense of interdependence, joy and kindness. On the other hand, the ego you duck, the unconscious fears vanish and with them the mere need of false certainties that can not certainties. Certainly, love is always there. And it will be a thousand times more vivid because the experienced meditator becomes finally able to share himself without any fear of being overwhelmed, both by friendly people that unforeseen circumstances. 

I expatiated a bit 'techniques such as tricks that may or may not adapt to different types of people. Everyone will find the most suitable one that meets its current needs. It would be a grave mistake to believe that the techniques are absolute values of reference. 

How to end without a general advice that is valid for almost all the meditative approach, ie for most of the techniques? Right now I do not know what will happen in a moment, let alone beyond. Right now I live moment to moment. Enjoy, but not m'identifico. Now I do not need to plan, I just be careful ... 

I hope I have been clear enough. Sometimes I use metaphors, sometimes I try to use language to induce an understanding otherwise impossible. 

The article is not yet finished, read the rest as soon as possible and then describe some of the most interesting techniques of meditation. On the other hand this site is all yours.

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