Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Awakening Meditation

The aim of all meditation techniques is to achieve a quality of inner relaxation that will be natural and not to cling to identify with any thought. You have the feeling that thoughts are absent. But even that is a thought. When you leave "fall" feeling and this latest remote grip, or the further identification with the thought that there are no more thoughts, only then can we define what the tradition awakening. 

Will occur the moment when the mirror of the mind will become so efficient that its reflected light will appear, in itself, illuminating. But as far as being cleaned will never shine the same glare of his, without recourse to imagination and chasing the most fatuous between the impossible dreams. Only those who understand the rhythm of existence as the natural state abandoning any mere reflection to address life as it is, will become the real masters of themselves. 

We were convinced that this and that. Or to be neither this nor that. Well, meditation is being aware of both circumstances. The opposite poles are reunited. Love and hate combine to turn into compassion. And this is the awakening. See things as they are no longer subjected to identification with their moods, and as reflections of a cosmic dream draw our current reality. 

So that the revival will consist in opening the eyes really. Impermanence and interdependence become concepts accessories, useful but not essential, to explain the ephemeral. 

Awakening is like rincondursi the center of the wheel to observe and participate in the unfolding of human affairs without being necessarily and emotionally involved. 

Awakening is to stop daydreaming passive suffering the illusions of an imagination that distorts reality according to the most absurd whims. 

A real revelation. The beauty and splendor of a morning made. The glow of a real sunset. Awakening is the twilight of all identifications to allow the rise and rise of eternal dawn. The splendor and brightness of an aurora accomplished that unfolds its wings with joy wherever he turns his keen eye and attentive. The eye of vision that opens to receive the mystery of absence. 
What is "beyond the mind, silence, no-mind", seems to be the manifestation of a transcendent principle. It may be better defined as "absence of mind." 

However never fight against your mind. It is part of the universal mind. And when you relax, accept it for what it is, with all its strengths and weaknesses. Not dispute, if anything shifts the focus from external objects, like clouds that obscure your vision perspective, the sharp inner sky. 

Awakening and no longer be identified with the ego unconsciously, to recognize its existential roots, able to provide the innumerable and wonderful resources that life offers us. Awareness is an ongoing event, still alive, which is not equivalent to a final achievement, but to a perpetual process. 

Knowledge of the origin of the divine essence as free from the trappings of crumbling cultural rhetoric, and the horrible social prejudices. But if the ego, that demon which affirms the superiority of one culture over another, one religious tradition over another, will not be seen and understood, there is good reason to regret that the thousand flowers of reciprocity and tolerance. 

As the fragrance that emanates from the natural rectitude of the many historical Buddha that even before they were to convert the world it conquered. 

As the strands of grass that while erika overwhelmed by the most furious winds bend with loving gentleness well aware that the impetus will nevertheless calm, and to calm the violence. 

Awakening is the courage of the emergency that becomes way of life. 

What freedom? And 'increasingly living in the here and now, without the constant fear projected by the mind. 
This involves the acceptance of what is, the state of things exactly as they are. And even the acceptance of our non-acceptance. 
Embraced, non-judgmental, our awareness in wider and wider areas of silent consciousness, self-centered attachment may still appear, but only to dissolve spontaneously, like a wisp of smoke in the wind.

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