Monday, December 21, 2009

The Science of Yoga

The science of yoga is always devoted to the physical, mental and spiritual health of humanity. For a long time but people have misunderstood the east and west yoga as a science of the occult, mysticism, the black magic, witchcraft, and many have assigned it to the religious dimension of life. Because of this erroneous interpretation Yoga remained outside the realm of scientific research and investigation and could not be integrated into the mainstream of human life. 

Over the past hundred and fifty years is the human being physically, mentally and emotionally from the healthy and stable track, get out of balance. As a result, he learned the narrowness and ignorance, both of his utter dependence on further discoveries of medical science as its own. Now he has begun to look for a science that can give him at various stages of his life, health, serenity and inner harmony. 

The World Health Organization knows the importance of the spiritual side of man, when health as "physical, mental, emotional, moral and spiritual well-being" defined. 

For humanity Yoga is not new, it existed in all ages. But there were phases in which this science fell into oblivion. In India, however, the universal science of yoga was even during the dark period that raises the most degenerate spiritual traditions protected, and preserved. 

In this century, the yoga again came out of India to alleviate the suffering of mankind. It was revived by virtue of the intense effort and compassion of the yogis and sanyasis of India as the science of spirituality and integral personality development. The yogic science is freed from the grip of religious dogma and is now recognized throughout the world as an independent science. It serves the health of all humanity, not just one specific religion or nation. 

The traditional meaning of the word yoga is "union", the Union of jivatma or the individual soul with Paramatma, the cosmic soul. Yoga means the spiritual science that leads to the recognition and realization of this association. But in practical concrete context is yoga science, which leads to a balanced, harmonious and integral personal growth. 

There is no aspect of human existence or human assets that are not covered are the yogic science. Yoga is a science of "self-culture" and the "self-development." With the help of various systematic techniques and disciplines that are applied to physical, mental and emotional level, does yoga in all areas of our being - whether gross, subtle or causal - a harmonious balance. 

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explains to Arjuna: ... samatvam yoga uchyate - "... balance, balance and harmony in every situation, whether favorable or unfavorable, this is known as yoga." Yoga also presents itself as the science of right living and points the way to fulfill the higher purpose of life, which can only be done through the acquisition of perfection in progressive steps. Shortly summed - Yoga is the science that helps us to consciously perceive the true life, and guarantees to us at all levels of health. 

It creates a harmonious balance, inwardly and outwardly, so that we can remain indifferent to all the highs and lows of life with praise and insult, as if success and failure in all our actions and efforts to attain perfection. 

The types of yoga 
As a yoga class is comprised of various types, such as Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Laya Yoga, etc. Each variant has a special instrument to physical, mental, emotional and psychological disciplines and methods , intended to transport the aspirants to the higher realms of consciousness, the existence and perfection. Yoga as a unification of the individual soul with the Paramatma is the end, and yoga as a method of discipline and practice is also the means to achieve this highest purpose of human existence. 

The size of the Indian spiritual tradition - it is seen as a tradition of Sanatan Dharma - is based on the fact that it accepts all aspects of life and abilities of the person as they are all for individual growth, in favor of harmony and fulfillment can be used. The tradition deals with the "four goals" of life - artha, kama, dharma and moksha. 

Artha and Kama, the physical, biological and emotional needs, therefore, are not vulgar or dirty, but form the first stages of the spiritual ladder. To ascend on the spiritual path to higher levels, one must first meet the basic needs because they carry the life of every person has a great influence. However, should the sense of the respective rights and obligations of all such efforts are in the background. 

Even the human life process was divided into four stages or ashramas, namely brahmacharya (life of the child, pupil, student), grihashta (Life of 'householder'), vanaprashta (retired life for the purpose of contemplation) and sannyasa (renunciation of life, alone devoted to the spiritual realization). In this way, every single aspect of life was observed and fully integrated. 

In addition, characterized the numerous spiritual traditions and methods of practice by a sound logic, and offer a very practical approach to life. Every individual has a singular character and temperament respective stands on specific developmental stage, and shows an appropriate level of understanding. Just as a single medicine, the various diseases afflicting humanity can not heal, can be a single yogic technique does not apply at all spiritual aspirants. 

Therefore developed a large number of yoga techniques and traditions. Treated, for example, Hatha Yoga involves the body as a "clay pot" that was not fertiggebrannt by the potter, but physical, sensory, mental, emotional, intellectual and egocentric systems. Similar to the unfired clay pot in the first heat and fire to burn must require the psycho-physiological nature of a man of "burning" in the fire of yoga, so that it can develop themselves spiritually. 

The hatha yoga tradition, therefore, is based on body-related method. The body is the medium that requires for example cleaning and reinforcement through shatkarmas and asana, the lightness, freedom from illness and patience through the practice of pranayama and pratyahara, the stability of mind and emotions through the practice of mudras, and bandhas dharana. Only under such conditions, the higher achievement - thanks to the acquired balance between solar and lunar energies in the body - is possible. 

The philosophy of yoga 
The philosophy behind yoga is generally coincides with that of the real Raja Yoga and is based on the Yoga Sutras of Maharshi Patanjali. Together with the Sankhya philosophy of Raja Yoga is an eternal, omnipresent, plotless Prakriti principle (manifested and non-manifested in nature) and a variety of ubiquitous consciousness Purusas (monads of pure consciousness). Yoga accepts another, a third principle, namely) Ishvara (God. The contact between Purusha (s) and Prakriti latter can manifest their multiple effects. The Purusha experiences - thanks aviveka (lack of distinction) - that he is an individual person, because he identifies with prakriti and its various modes. 

Raja Yoga is now offering a way out of this Purusha, the concatenation. Therefore, it is also this yoga as a practical path to liberation rather than as a philosophical excursion into the realms of the spirit. He treats the so-called eightfold path, the "eight limbs" are scientifically described this as the natural steps of the ladder, which makes the people come from his human to the true divine nature. The coarse and fine ties that will bind to Prakriti Purusha intersected. 

After all the bonds have fallen enjoys the liberated purusha its independence (kaivalya or moksha). This is the goal of Raja Yoga. The "eight limbs" will be briefly presented: 
The 8 limbs of Raja Yoga 
Yama: In the form of ahimsa (nonviolence), satya (truthfulness), Asteya () non-stealing, Brahmacharya (living in harmony with the higher consciousness) and Aparigraha (is) without possessiveness yama, the social code of conduct, the acts against fellow human beings controls. 

Niyama:) By shaucha (cleanliness and purity, Santosha (contentment), tapas () voluntary privation, want) Svadhyaya (analysis of the self, understanding one's own nature) and Ishvara Pranidhana (Selbstergebung before God, discipline, culture of the self, nature , strong will and faith in God to be developed. 

Asana: Asana positions intended reasonable, balanced and harmonious functioning of bodily organs and systems under all conditions. They also help eliminate the gross energy blockages and to perceive the subtle aspects of the body. In the form of meditation asana position forms the basis for the grandiose building of the Antaranga sadhana (the inward disciplines of Dharana, dhyana and samadhi). 

Pranayama breathing technique and reorganized This harmonizes the body's energy by cleaning the energy channels and the obstacles is removed, then the whole system energized and to exercise adequate control over the subtle pranic body-helps. It is this control allows the control of desires and the Vrittis (shapes and forms of the mind and the imagination), the chains of Prakriti Purusha. 

Pratyahara: This technique shows us how we should withdraw the senses from sense objects. A retreat, which clarifies the perception of the inner world of the spiritual dimension of emotions and the psyche and intensified. 

Dharana: focus on the technology, the mind for a long time to a point, it helps to internalize the perception and to draw energy from our inner being. It also supports the development of willpower and inner strength the face of difficult life situations. 

Dhyana: Will dharana a continuous and uninterrupted process and the perception does not differ more from their point of concentration, it is called dhyana or meditation. It brings the aspirant closer to his inner being - the source of peace, joy, knowledge and wisdom. 

Samadhi: The dissolution of mind, intellect and ego in the cosmic consciousness in which peace, happiness, harmony and light will ever know - this is samadhi. Here Purusha experiences its own true nature, the transcendent state of absolute independence and freedom (kaivalya). 

Patanjali's Yoga, the building was built not on preconceived notions or axioms. He merely laid down the fundamental principles that are applicable for every practitioner, regardless of his religion or his faith. On rope verifiable experience, the practitioner, step by step to the destination. The practical applicability of this yoga is universal. 

Mantra Yoga 
The science of Manta and Yantra Yoga deals with the concepts of consciousness and energy in terms of sound vibration and the symbolic representation of this vibration. A mantra helps divine energy that manifests itself in a sound pattern. A yantra containing the divine energy that is reflected in a visible geometric shape. Both help to erase the negative gradually Samskaras (deep-rooted impressions from past lives) and engraved in the subconscious archetypes. 

These two form of yoga to harmonize the intellectual, emotional and psychological systems of the personality, to redeem in the course of the absent-mindedness, instability and turbulence of the mind and the mind. Thus the potential energy is brought in people from their latency (concealment). 

Bhakti Yoga 
The science of Bhakti Yoga is suitable for people with devotional tendencies and abilities. It helps to remove emotional blockages and impurities, leads to higher-yielding and I believed in a reality. Reine, ecstatic bhakti is probably the highest level in the spiritual life of a man. 

Karma Yoga 
Karma Yoga is the path of service is free of selfish motives, but carried by the sense of individual duty. The ideal of the Bhagavad Gita can be in the form of two terms express summarily karma and yoga. Krishna consistently throughout the Gita sets with precise and forceful words, the core principles of karma yoga dar. He praises the high duty of man, selfless work, I run-lose actions without waiting for the "fruits" of the work. 

The secret of Karma Yoga is the development of skill and perfection in action. The magic formula to be learned, if you live in an active spiritual community, after which they can easily apply it in everyday life. In fact, it may be far smoother and richer motivation to work selflessly for others, as selfish for themselves 

This shows the difference between "karma" and "Karma Yoga". It creates karma, if you have yourself in mind - and when their own wishes or conflicts are the drivers for action. If you work but not for themselves, ie, in favor of the ego, but presents his action as a service and a gift of other people, then the mind is free and one can experience the benefits of Karma Yoga. 

Kundalini Yoga 
The science of Kundalini and Kriya yoga aims to awaken the latent energy of the cosmic man. Is she awakens, it recognizes and understands the mysteries of human nature and the universe. All the exquisite experience of spiritual life are caused by the Kundalini energy. 

Of course there are many other classes and types of yoga with their respective characteristics. But rather than list it seems to me important to make more and more people are familiar with the beneficial effects of yoga. You should choose a few techniques that you can practice each day, then you should try to exercise it unilaterally, but balanced so that the demand is supported by the different personal abilities and growth (and space) development. 

It is gaining the impression that yoga is one in future for the heritage of each nation. It is increasingly accepted in all sectors of society, whether in education, medical sciences, in prisons, sports, military, hospitals, during space flights, in psychiatric hospitals or in commercial and industrial groups. Again, the time has come for humanity to claim their authority in the realm of the great spiritual yoga tradition.

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