Monday, December 21, 2009

Tips from Yoga and Ayurveda

How to keep stressed skin from aging and transformed into healthy, radiant skin. 
Do you know the proverb: Up to 40 you wear the face that you got from his parents and from 40, the face that has given your life. It is a truth lies, and which is often a good news for all those who stress-reducing measures, such as yoga have made a part of everyday life. Yoga asanas nourish not only the internal organs, but they also benefit the health and the complexion of the skin. But what can we do about yoga out yet to make it appear healthy aging skin? 

"Our faces and our facial skin are the physical representation of everything we think and do - an unerring mirror of the soul observes," the Indian Pratima Raichur, author of "Real beauty comes from within," (Droemer / Knaur). "If you want to change your appearance, you must first change the thoughts, feelings and habits, from which stem from the stress and aging." 

The good news are that we have a considerable influence on looking like our largest organ in the long run and will work. If we live a life under constant pressure, poor diet and too little sleep, then the stress, these habits contribute to the body, and finally transferred to our skin. On the other hand, our skin will age gracefully and with dignity, if we learn to empathize with the body's needs and adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

According to Ayurveda is a major factor for the deterioration of the skin that we ignore the needs of our individual body type. Each of us is born with a special mind-body constitution, which is dominated by the respective proportions of the three doshas - vata, pitta and kapha characterized - in the body. Each of the three body types, faces, each with different challenges and different ages. The first step in maintaining a healthy skin, then, is to focus on the needs of our specific attention to the constitution. 

Those predominance of vata dosha, Vata qualities are reflected in their psyche and physique. They tend to be lighter stature, with thin, frizzy and dry hair, as well as fine, delicate skin, with a tendency towards dryness, premature wrinkles and dull, lackluster appearance. 

If vata predominant in your body, they should be your Schönheitsambition focus mainly on the moistening and nutrition - both internally and externally. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Get used to a diet of warm, sweet and oily food that appears. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also very helpful, but you never eat them cold. 

Pitta types have very sensitive skin. That is why people tend to wrinkle more of this body type, age spots and freckles due to sun exposure. Pittas also react extremely sensitive to chemicals in personal hygiene and cosmetic products, which then can cause rashes or other reactions. 

If you are a pitta type, then you take extra care to use only 100% natural health and cosmetics without preservatives, chemical derivatives, or artificial fragrances. You should also avoid direct sunlight and satisfy your pitta by maintaining regular eating habits, eat lots of fruits and süßsaftige avoid scharfgewürzte food. 

Kapha types tend to slow aging, compared to the other two body types. Their skin is thicker and therefore less vulnerable to wrinkles. The main problem for Kapha people is their low digestive power, which often leads to the accumulation of ama, or toxic waste materials in the body. And this can affect the allocation of nutrients to the skin and create oily, rough, dull skin with enlarged pores. 

Kapha types should be used to insist on a regular facial skin detoxification and this natural cleaning pads and masks. Practice yoga on a regular basis, because this is a great way to detoxify, while acting contrary to the kapha tendency to lethargy. Avoid heavy, cold and sweet food, since that is indigestible, and, as mentioned, tends to leave toxic waste in your body. It would be useful for you, you are held at regular intervals for several days to a detoxification diet. 

Once you have become one of the needs of your individual skin thoughts, it's time to look more closely at the stress in your life - both the stress in your environment as well as the stress in daily life. "Stress is a major cause for the deterioration of the skin and premature aging," says Dr. Rama Mishra, one of the experts in the field of Ayurvedic body care. "He takes effect on the balance of the doshas and to the delicate process of transformation of nutrients to body cells and also to skin cells. 

What do you too, to reduce stress - it will reward you not only with more beauty, but also enhance your health and vitality. " 

Many of the lesions, which we regard as normal expression of aging, such as some wrinkles, brown spots, or pigment changes caused by stress factors of the environment, and therefore are actually preventable. Air pollution, sunlight, alcohol, cigarette smoke (also known as passive smoking) and chemicals in cosmetics such as in the water all attack the skin. 

While the steps to avoid these negative influences are obviously relatively easy to perform, which can deal with the daily stress to be something more complicated. If the body is under stress, it produces a number of stress hormones - a rational response to short-term stress situations, but harmful if it lasts longer. Hormonal changes can cause a number of specific skin problems such as hair loss, acne, thinning of the skin, itching, excessive sweating, premature wrinkles and skin diseases such as psoriasis, hives, and shingles. 

"The language of hormones," says Raichur, "the skin and the immune system provided exactly what we think and feel in every moment, and they reflect our thoughts reflected by their corresponding functions." 

Prolonged stress is visible in several long-term changes in the skin and hair. The body is vital nutrients from the skin to organs like heart, brain and lung umdirigieren; a process that gradually the skin that lacks nutrition, they actually needed. 

Extended periods of stress also consider slowing down the metabolic processes affected, and the renewal of skin cells, which makes the skin appear dull and gray. Stress causes them upset the fluid balance in the body and leaves the skin relaxed and clean out. In addition, a longer-term stress response increases the production of free radicals, which in turn hamper vital cell structures and functions of the skin and damage. 

Such damage by free radicals are manifested not only in our appearance, structure, they also increase the risk of a gradual deterioration of body functions and, thus preparing the ground for a number of chronic diseases, from heart disease to cancer, the auto-immune deficiency and arthritis. 

One of the biggest promise is that you can give yourself the benefit of stress reduction, that you perform your yoga exercises regularly. Yoga postures induce deep relaxation and help you avoid fatigue and tension. Deep breathing normalizes blood pressure and freed from those tensions, which are for head and back pain, insomnia and stomach pains responsible. 

Meditation gives you an extra bonus skin care. For deep relaxation, which occurs often during meditation, supports the balancing of several sub-doshas of Vata, which are participants in the bloodstream. The skin of longtime meditators often develops a special glow and shine. 

The key question for you is how the way you find appropriate meditation and how to perform this then ever! A good teacher can make a big difference, as he answers your questions and help in overcoming your initial difficulties. 

Put thus diminish for a personal body and skin care program found that matches your Ayurvedic constitution; do this, the effect of environmental factors on your skin - and you will enjoy an exterior blasting, which is a reflection of your inner balance and your overall well-being

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