Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yoga - what does it consist?

Yoga - what does it consist? 

Classical yoga is divided into eight parts, each of which represents an element of mental, physical and spiritual exercises to achieve harmony. Four of the eight have to deal with mental and physical exercises that are designed to coordinate the mind and body. The remaining four are working with different degrees of meditation. There are six basic types of yoga, which are designed to achieve the same goal, but in different ways: Hatha, Raja, Bhakti, Jnana, and Tantra. Hata Yoga is perhaps the most well-known system, it consists of about two hundred postures, movements and breathing techniques, which lead the body in order, making it healthy. The philosophy of yoga says that breathing is the most important engine of health, as breathing is the largest resource of prana or vital force. In hatha yoga uses pranayyama that in literary translation sounds like "breath control". Initially, hatha yoga was developed as a system that would make the body healthy so that people are not distracted by the problem of the body during spiritual self-improvement. 

There are several different schools of hatha yoga. The most numerous are the Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. The first was founded B.K.S. Iyengar, who is considered one of the greatest innovators of the case. Here we use the techniques of hatha yoga, but his gaze is directed at them from a different angle. This type of training is good in the role of physical therapy, in addition are allowed to use additional devices to make it easier for people to take the necessary provisions. Ashtanga yoga is hatha yoga, is interpreted as a dance. 

In other types of yoga you can see the realization of other ideas that are typical for this practice. Raja yoga is for enlightenment and disciplining the mind through meditation. The idea of this philosophy lies in the simplicity and non-attachment to the world of desire and material objects. The focus of karma yoga put on charity, service to others, lack of aggression and violence as a means to achieve peace. Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion and love for God or a Universal Spirit. Jnana Yoga is the practice of knowledge and wisdom. And, finally, Tantra Yoga is the path to self-fulfillment through religious rituals. 

Some yoga classes, depending on the school and teachers can be as easy and quite time-consuming workouts. During the study pulse, heart rhythm and breathing may be slowed down so that observers believe that a man and not breathing. 

The greatest success can be achieved by practicing yoga daily. Yoga should be an exercise that lasts a lifetime. The longer a practitioner is engaged in self-improvement, the more conversant he becomes. Basic items can enhance strength, flexibility and good health for a very short period of time, but the years pass, to reach in this case the depth of perfection - that encourages many people during yoga practice. 

The best way to learn yoga under the guidance of an experienced teacher, but the basic aspects can be studied independently, based on the knowledge gained from books, which today can be found fairly good summary. Yoga can also act as a program of therapeutic value, but it is more typical for study abroad.

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