Saturday, November 21, 2009

Origin of Yoga

Origin of Yoga 

The figure, found during archaeological excavations in the area Mogendzho-Daro in the Indus Valley, attracted the attention of scientists to the yogi, or, as it is called "proto-Shiva". This image Pashupati (from Sanskrit "lord of animals") is a figure sitting in the traditional yoga pose with legs crossed, resting, relaxed hands on his knees. I found the figure of sir John Marshall and his team - they are all sure that it is a prototype of the god Shiva, and describe her as a man with three faces, seated in a yogic pose with crossed feet. And yet, these thoughts are not quite co-operating with the modern academic concepts. 

In Indian philosophy, yoga is any of the six orthodox philosophical schools. Philosophical system of Yoga is closely connected with the school samkhi. Yogic school, as explained by Patanjali, adopted the philosophy and metaphysics samkhi, but by itself it is more theistic, adding to the twenty-five elements samkhi divine union. The parallels between yoga and samkhey so obvious that Max Muller said: "in a popular fashion statement, the two differ in both philosophy and with samkhya samkhya without the Divine. 

The founder of formal philosophy of yoga is considered the sage Patanjali. Despite the fact that he attributed to yoga sutras (which sometimes are called Yoga Sutras of Patanjali), some experts on Hinduism says that the work of Patanjali is a collection of fragments and traditions of texts dating from the second or third century AD. Other scientists lead a broader period of time, an exciting period from 100 BC 500 years BC 

Further development took place within the yoga of the Indian subcontinent for centuries. During this time, formed six major ways to achieve enlightenment and liberation from the shackles of the material world. Later, it spread in such a form is already in all countries of the East, which was closely associated with the practice of Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. In the seventeenth-eighteenth century, yoga has become one of the major practices in Tibet, as well as in Muslim countries. 

When India became a colony of Britain, some British scientists interested in issues of yoga. In the eighties of the nineteenth century, even the first note out of one of the British journalists, dedicated to yoga, but the spread of the new philosophy has not received. 

Only in the late nineteenth century, Vivekananda brought this philosophy to the United States and, later, Paramhansa Yogananda during visits to the United States and Europe, opened to the Western world that a system of understanding ourselves and the universe. Life of the great teachers of that time was reflected in the literature and studies of future generations. 

But its heyday teaching yoga reached only in the twentieth century, when everywhere began to open up educational and research centers. In India itself there are an infinite number of them, but the greatest authority enjoys yoga Cultural Center in New Delhi. 

Start the yogic path in Russia are traditionally tied to the seventy years of the last century, although the notion of "Agni Yoga" came within the teachings of the Roerich before the mid-twentieth century. This time, the assimilation of knowledge gained by those who spent many years in the cradle of yoga, with Russian realities, as a consequence, the resulting product was much different from the yogic philosophical schools of other countries. Distribution of yoga in Russia associated with names such as Boris Leonidovich Smirnov, Vasily V. Brody, Zubkov, Koltunov and many others.

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