Saturday, November 21, 2009

Immortals yoga

Immortals yoga 

Most people at one time in my life heard the word "immortal yogis. Only a few people managed to meet at least one. I have devoted the time and trouble to to find - whether they exist. 
Until I met 8 of them. I arbitrarily set 300 years as the minimum duration of life in the same physical body as a standard, as an estimate of such an unusual class of people. . This is an 8 immortal yogis, both men and women, their age from 380 to 130 000 years. Three of them retain the address of his place on the planet Earth for over 2000 years. 

Once I met Rama and Sita in the Netherlands. They come and go at will. I am in awe looking at the relationship that continued for 130 000 years. 
There are at least several thousand immortal yogis on the planet Earth. Most of them live in the Himalayas. A group of them always appears at the meeting Khumbu Mela in India. 
These yoga absolutely committed to improving their ability to learn and accumulation of great energy of age of age. But self-justification and unconsciousness can occur at any time, causing the decline and death. Shiva Purana, which is the oldest scripture that describes the millions of years of human history, contains many stories about this and that type of human character, which is required to practice the presence of God in Truth, Simplicity and Love. 

Immortals of yoga by his example demonstrates that the practice of the Presence of God in Truth, Simplicity and Love is a timeless condition for infinite health and vitality. 
One of the things that struck me when I saw these the wise, simple and great people, was that most of the people who live near them, have little interest in becoming immortal yogis, or not at all interested in this. It is still surprising to me. 

This problem of self-evaluation? 
This is a crude materialism? 
It is the spiritual darkness of the human soul? 
This lack of imagination? 
The idea is to be master of itself seems too difficult? 
Obviously, this is limited thinking, but why most people are so limited in its assessment of human potential and their beliefs about their own potential? 

Yoga is the stereotype of the immortal image of a hermit, practicing celibacy and living in a cave, but the immortal yogis are as men and women, and traditionally, according to the Hindu Holy Scriptures, the life of a householder with a wife and family, is an appropriate way to achieve liberation, and skill . For example, Shiva, Rama, Vayshista Babaji many immortal bodies have wives and children. 

Spiritual liberation, and skill in fact mean the same thing. Liberation means complete healing of emotional intelligence and, through this, the possession of a healthy body. Liberation means to be not born of the Eternal Spirit and to include the mind and body in adult life eternal, endless energy. Liberation means to live, fully conscious I am staying in, in the Guru - ie in our personal relationship with the Infinite Mind. 

Mastery means - to eliminate the consciousness of the victim and cause of our goals and desires. It means to live in bliss, except when you deliberately heal someone suffering from pain. It means to be free from death, as appropriate. This means sintegrirovannost spirit, mind and body and possess the ability to heal the body. 
However, the skill has several levels: spiritual enlightenment begins with the following understanding - energy becomes to what she thinks! 

1. Selecting physical immortality is probably the first level. 
It includes a complete philosophy of life from a physical standpoint 
immortality rather than a mortal perspective (perspective, focused on death). 
2. Awareness of the energy body. 
3. Learning how to clean energy body: mantras, practices with the elements earth, air, water, fire, love 
4. Nothing can replace 30 years of spiritual practices: Rebirthing, fire, starvation, etc. 

Perform a sufficient number of years of practice in order to really be in the forefront of the process of spiritual purification in such a way that the healing of emotional energy pollution faster than you earn it. For some people, an important step is to become a vegetarian or give up cigarettes or alcohol. 

4. Be in harmony with the principle of guru 
5. Choosing a lifestyle that supports spiritual growth and mastery. 
6. Become knowledgeable perfect image of the great scriptures of all religions and the great literature of samples of humanity, especially the Shiva Purana. 
7. Creating a spiritual community as a personal media support. 
8. Establishing a successful relationship with Babaji, the eternal Father in human form, and to allow your friends to communicate with him on this path. 
9. Dissolution of death wish, which you inherited from your family tradition. 
10. Healing of senile diseases. Old age - this is the last exam for the human condition - you or pass it - or go to another world. This is the main obstacle to physical immortality. Most people give up and die more often than follow the path of personal improvement. We would prefer that someone else did it for us. That is why we must transform the helplessness, hopelessness, infantile consciousness, birth trauma, cancer awareness, etc. 
11. Shiva Kalpa is the main ritual (way) rejuvenation - 12-year-old course. 
12. The actual healing of birth trauma, fetal and infaltilnogo consciousness, parental disapproval syndrome, unconscious desire for death, inherited from family and from past lives and informed use of force the human mind. 
13. Find satisfaction in career, prosperity and civil liability. 
All these items relate to improving the human condition, the following is our divine potential. 
14. Development of transfiguration - the materialization and dematerialization of the body at will. Healing of emotional intelligence can take anywhere from 50 to 100 years if we are working with this all the time. This is our main work during the first century. 
15. Experiments with teleportation, astral projection, levitation, etc. 
16. Control of food, sleep and sex - 40-day fast without food or water. 
17. The development of conscious relationship with the Sun, Moon, Planet Earth and its environment, etc. 
18. Controlling organs of the body instead of being controlled by them. Be able to heal the body and make him invulnerable to wounds, disease and death. 
19. Master the million Yogi, which are needed in order to create the human body directly from the Spirit. Without this ability, the origin of the human body is a relative theory. However, evolution can begin at any point and move in any direction. 

In everyday life people show that they can suspend the natural bodily processes, manage, change them and cause them all sorts of wonderful variations, as the benefit and harm. Our creative energy now can continuously penetrate into the laws and processes of nature and change them with pure intentions. Life becomes more stress-free when we do not need a supernatural energies and live in harmony with our common divine and human nature. This is good - to live in peaceful harmony with the laws of nature and have no need to use supernatural forces. 
20. I met my immortal yogis highest level of skill, apparently, is reached after 500 years. Despite this, the father of Rama lived more than 60 000 years without achieving spiritual mastery. 

Eating from the Tree of Life, which means the practice of the Divine Presence, is still and constantly a source of Eternal Life. God is the source of wisdom, peace, pleasure, mastery, and the materialization of eternal life. Devotion to God is the source of eternal science of personal vitality. 
The choice to become immortal master yogi makes you immortal in real time. The trick is to remain immortal. This obviously includes the mastery of this choice in the Eternal Now. It is not difficult, it is in harmony with our Divine Nature. We just have to remember - always and without effort - that we are born the Divine Child High God. We - this is his favorite ideas in his / her mind.

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