Saturday, November 21, 2009

Legends about Yoga-alchemist

Legends about Yoga-alchemist 

On the acquisition of "diamond body" was sent to one of the types of yoga, Tantric Vajrayana, the essence of this was to acquire permanent and incorruptible body is preparing for the final "transformation", Hatha yoga to strengthen his state of immortality. Tantric processes, as such hold in the body, which is called "thin" it is the one with the cosmos and at the same pantheon, in turn, is deified. The essence of the above is that the student had to survive a real thin body death and resurrection, it should have happened after the end of the cycle of destruction and restoration of the universe. Therefore, this process resembles alchemy, the process of disintegration and reconstruction, although it is a variant of Western alchemy. Yoga, like the alchemist has some kind of transformation of matter. However, the matter in India was completed process pakrita or shaky, the Maya called them arhitep-mag. 

Among the traditional Siddh is completed and this part of the transformation process tantric yoga, the essence of the following: continuation of alchemy it is the age-old way of tantric yoga, which seized on the one hand the secrets of Sakti, ie imitating her transformation to a prime speaking skills and knowledge to transform ordinary metals into gold, on the other hand Vajrayana has a "diamond body" and Siddha-deha hatha yoga have no strong differences from the "body of glory" of the alchemists of the Western lands. The role of the transfiguration of the flesh is given to the worshiper's body like a god creating (Divya-deha), "body wisdom" is a worthy receptacle for only him, to those who "liberated in this life, it is called (Jivan-mukti). Strangers who visited India to feel the unity of yoga and alchemy but they were not alone, його-alchemical folklore to develop in the Indian people, combining myths about the elixir of immortality and the treatment of metals has turned a single myth about yoga-Mare.

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