Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dependence of the loads from the age of yoga

Hatha yoga, both in principle and any other type of physical activity, you can do almost from infancy, gradually increasing the number of exercises. When a child comes 2 years, it can be gradually accustomed to the long-time walks, to games that require constant movement. With 6 years of age the child should continue to play, for jogging, hiking, but can gradually begin to study some breathing exercises, in addition, should actively explore the lightest variation of the dynamic type of exercise, and exercise equilibrium type and the lotus position. 

When little yoga turns 10 years old, he continues to use the acquired knowledge, known him to engage in exercises, but care should be taken to start swimming lessons and more intensive work with the breath. In the interval from 13 to 16 years, the most relevant lessons are exercises that allow people to develop physical abilities such as strength, endurance and speed, to a new level should be removed control of the breath, the yogi must be able to perform almost all dynamic exercises, as well as actually be able to perform the lotus position. 

The most active period covers the age span of the young yogi from 17 to 30 years, while in which he should be able to perform all possible exercises of hatha yoga, to be able to stay in all postures and breathing exercises to carry out any difficulty. In the next ten years of life yogi must keep his physical form, but it is recommended to improve the results in one area of hatha yoga. The next decade is characterized by the same level of stress, but requires more walking. Each subsequent year should not affect the physical abilities of yogis, especially if they comply with the requirements of ever-increasing amount of time spent on the street.

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