Thursday, November 12, 2009

Utthita Trikonasana. Pose of an elongated triangle

The practice of yoga postures can not be imagined without the triangle. It also strengthens the whole body and makes it more flexible and that is why there is almost our every lesson. "Utthita" means a stretched, elongated, "trinal" ( "Three" - three, "Conan"-angle) - a triangle. This posture of an elongated triangle. 
Summary Utthita Trikonasana 

1. Stand up straight  

2. On inspiration jump spread your legs to a distance of approximately one meter and pull the hands apart on the same line with the shoulders. The palms looked at the floor. 

3. Turn right foot 90 ° to the right. Turn the left foot slightly inward. Squeeze your knees and hips. Make one or two breaths. 

4. Inhaling, bend your torso to the right. Grasp your right hand to right ankle 

5. Raise your left arm so that it was in line with the shoulders and right arm. The left hand looks ahead. Extend both hands, elbows stretched all the time. 

6. Turn the neck and look at your left thumb. 

7. This final position of the asanas. Breathe normally and stay in that position for 20-30 seconds, paying attention to the following points: 

(I) muscles of the legs should be stretched and drawn into kneecaps and raised up; 
(II) The back side of the left leg, hip and back surface of the chest should be in the same plane; 
(III), expand the chest, this Pull shoulder blades inward. 

8. Now, while inhaling raise his right hand on the ankles, lift your torso and return to the position of this technique, and then to position 2. 

9. Repeat this pose on the left side of the following items 3-8 and substituting the word "right" to the word "left" and vice versa. Exhale and jump, get up in . 

Special notes: 

(1) While you are in position 2, the foot should be sent directly, do not let them turn to the side. 

(2) Pull your toes, but do not strain them. 

(3) Once you turn the right foot to the side, watch that ankle, knee and the middle part of the femur were on the same line. 

(4) Clause 3: 

(I) at a time when you turn the right foot, bend the left knee; 
(II) the left hand should remain steady and should neither rise nor fall; 
(III) the body should not bend to the right. Anus and the head must remain on the same line. 

(5) Those beginners who find it difficult to bend, can not arm tackle the ankle, and a drumstick.

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