Friday, August 27, 2010

Why Yoga therapy can help improve the health?

Human health is determined by the condition of his cell system, yoga (as the performance of asanas and pranayama) enable cells do not simply exist, but truly to live, reproduce and die only after serving the body in full. This is a guarantee that the books Iyengar called "excellent health".
Yoga therapy is called a way to influence not only on muscles, joints and bones of man (his body), but also on the physiological processes within the organism. The proper execution of asanas really has a miraculous effect on the liver, spleen, respiratory and circulatory systems of the body, pancreas and many other organs and functions.
In addition, yoga therapy can be considered as a practice of getting rid of the internal configuration of the human mind, are the causes of diseases of the soul. It is well known that the spiritual condition also significantly affects the physical and physiological.

Yoga therapy focuses on the fact that human health and the state of his soul - are closely linked.
Yoga therapy is also suitable for pregnant women, and in any pregnancy. Classes will be its soft and harmonious support future mother and baby. Yoga for pregnant women - in general, separate, serious subject. It helps strengthen the muscles involved in the regulation of labor, which means - to make childbirth less painful, to prevent a number of possible complications. In addition, stimulates metabolism, produces more than required for normal fetal growth substances. Along with purely medical use, as usually happens with yoga, there are also spiritual. The future mother calms nerves, is rethinking many things in life.
Enormous number of human develops sores on the grounds of breach of posture and other problems with the spine. In yoga classes often have special courses aimed at addressing the problems back. Since the efficiency of yoga in this area agree and leading medical Spine. By the way, many developing ancient ideology of yoga and doctors use in their practice. Yoga is ready to help those who suffer from scoliosis, kyphosis, and osteoarthritides. Useful employment will be those who simply frequently experiencing excessive burden on his back - drivers and office workers, students and pupils. At the core classes are asanas, designed to impact on the spine. The load in the classroom to the back much less than in regular classes of yoga, but they have a course of action. 
Iyengar Yoga is beautiful and the fact that doing it can not only healthy people, but also those who have certain health problems. Of course, those who suffer from hypertension, or migraines, scoliosis, or has problems with the joints, it is necessary to discuss the intention of practicing yoga with your doctor. Yoga for pregnant women, too, involves some of the features in the approach, therefore, also be desirable to consult a gynecologist, a leading pregnancy. By the way, pregnant women often form separate classes of yoga, yoga exercises for which are selected with the participation of doctors.
In general, yoga therapy, like the rest of yoga, will be effective and useful only to those who approach to employment with the mind! However, like any job in the world.

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