Friday, August 27, 2010

How does meditation?

Meditation - a contemplation, art, to get rid of the human mind from unnecessary thoughts, look inside yourself. Meditation helps to understand yourself, to think about the meaning of existence. In addition, classes are improving the well-being and provide emotional balance. In this article we will try to explain how meditation works, by what mechanisms it has its magical effect on the mind and the body.
First, what is important to remember, beginning to engage in meditation - focusing on your own mind is not as easy as it first seems. Out of my head superfluous thoughts - this is just the tip of the iceberg; this is just a lot easier to cope. Harder to teach myself to linger in this purified from the total surplus position for a long time. However, there are a few tips that may help beginners:
Choose a quiet and secluded place for meditation.

To Meditation has, you need comfort. It is essential that clothes were comfortable (many like to meditate naked). Find the position where you can unwind and relax. Get rid of drafts and excessive noise.
Before meditation, you need to prepare your muscles - gently reheat and stretch them. Some yoga asanas - the most it. Do not forget about pranayama - breathing exercises yoga.
Rid the mind of all extraneous thoughts and feelings.
This last point, as usual, the most difficult. Do not let thoughts and feelings re-emerge in your head. Focus on any one subject - this will help. Many people use to focus a burning candle. This is a good object, since it does not necessarily see, and you can feel.
Do not be discouraged if at first nothing will get! Patience - also part of meditation. In fact, to learn meditation techniques, you may take a few classes or even weeks. Someone learns the art faster, someone slower - this is normal.
As soon as the thoughts and feelings will leave your mind, comes a state of complete tranquility - tranquility. You will feel in the depths of his unusual sense, to describe which words seems a daunting task. However, should I? Soon you will experience it themselves.
Constantly engaging in meditation, you will notice that the mood rises and improved health. Changes literally felt after each session. And they see not only you!
Not surprisingly, studies the impact of yoga on the mind and body occupied by many scientists. Sometimes, they come to a very unexpected (albeit fairly predictable) conclusion. It turns out that in the moments when your mind is relaxed, the brain is working at maximum capacity - nothing actually does not disappear. Those explanation noticeable perturbations of gray matter, which you feel after meditation.
Below we list just a few of the properties that are in meditation. All of them - are extremely useful for people. If you prefer, you can fill this list up to infinity. Here it is:
• Thanks to steady breathing, meditation helps to work better light.
• Meditation helps to significantly strengthen immunity. The body effectively withstands any infection.
• Those who are engaged in meditation, much better restored nerve cells.
• Meditation - not only relieve stress, but will be an excellent prevention of new ones.
• We prove that regular meditation, significantly improves memory.
• With meditation, you can cure many ailments. Even asthma is derived from meditating much easier.
• Meditate and you will develop high moral Merchant - compassion and peace.
• Meditation helps to create in the minds of the notion of sin and temptation, guilt and duty.
• For those who are engaged in meditation, increased belief in them and in God.
Of course, to your meditation experiments were successful, you will have to be patient and learn discipline. But the constant meditation practices to help confidently meet the goals that you face in life. Your efforts to come back as the ultimate physical health and spiritual comfort the ability to think in new ways and find all the positive aspects.

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