Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yoga - Sun Salutation

Yoga - Sun Salutation 

The Sun Salutation is an excellent preparation for session start asanas, as heated and the whole body relaxes. It is not an asana, is a continuous series of movements that are synchronized with respiration and with the full attention of mind. 

Surya Namaskar exercises all the muscles and gives flexibility to the spine. On the other hand if you run with the right attitude helps create a mental atmosphere or pure sattvic focusing the mind on the present. 

The Sun Salutation is a very comprehensive exercise because it combines breath control (pranayama) and the main asanas in a continuous movement. To properly practice known within the Yoga, phases or sequences of Sun Salutation. 

It is also an excellent global warming to start the Yoga session since the circulation, warms and relaxes the whole body, muscle and joint exercises, it synchronizes the major nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), massages the viscera (liver, stomach, spleen, intestines and kidneys), regulates activity of the endocrine glands (particularly the thyroid), focuses the mind on the present and facilitates concentration and calm.

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