Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yoga in Pregnancy

The expectation of having a baby and have it be well guarded in the stomach, is a very exciting feeling for many moms. Mothers should take care for your baby to grow up healthy but do not forget to balance the needs pleasures. Mothers should take care of your body, mind, and protected to receive, pretty and relaxed, the baby is born. 

The yoga is an ancient technique from India whose meaning in Spanish is "unite". It is a series of breathing exercises and stretching. The combination of yoga and other cardiovascular exercises like walking are ideal during pregnancy, not only because they keep you in shape, but also tone your muscles, give more flexibility to your joints, improve circulation, and give you strength and vitality. 

The yoga also helps to improve breathing and relax, two very useful benefits when the day of delivery and have a baby to raise. The first thing taught in a class of yoga is to breathe. This technique, known under the name "ujayi" involves breathing deeply through your nose very slowly to fill your lungs with air and then exhale to compress the stomach. 

These breathing exercises prevent your muscles from getting at the time of painful contractions when your baby is born. The relaxation in all muscles facilitates the natural progress of labor and therefore it is much shorter and less painful. 

To entertain very common problems during pregnancy, including swelling, spots, stretch marks and backaches and leg, it is recommended that pregnant women keep the elasticity of your body. The practice of physical exercise will be very helpful in every way. Among the exercises are recommended by doctors, yoga is the one who is attracting more interest on the benefits to women during pregnancy.

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