Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and Meditation 

The Yoga uses meditation to achieve the essential nature, which is beyond matter and mind and its manifestations, achieving a state of deep peace, which is experienced and lasting happiness without object. 

For Yoga this can be achieved not only by stopping the body's movements, but also of the mind. Meditation is a state of consciousness which comes into contact with the superior energy, so that the mind-body duality is dissolved, allowing a state of unity. 

The practice of relaxation and meditation Yoga is healthy for both body and mind. 

The position must be comfortable, and to focus the mind becomes more difficult if there is discomfort or pain. On one or more hard pillows (not the soft serve, but folded and rolled up a blanket can serve temporarily) placed on carpet, a blanket or anything sua-ve you sit in the lotus position of the fourth (right foot on left calf) so that the knees firmly on the ground support. 

Straight spine, pelvis forward, head high with the nose slightly down. All this is very important because it facilitates the movement of chi or vital energy through the back, thereby optimizing all vital functions. (This issue will be widely discussed in the section The Integral Yoga) 

The left hand on the right and the thumbs touching, all resting on his lap. 

The shoulders should be relaxed and "Fallen" (more elbows to the ribs in the drawing is fine too). 

The closed eyes and the tongue against the palate, his face relaxed. 

We firmly seated feeling ... like a mountain, planted here and now, in eternity.

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