Saturday, December 12, 2009

History of Yoga

History of Yoga 

Everyone has their own idea of what the Yoga: Some believe it may be an Eastern religion, while others see it as a strenuous workout. Neither perception is entirely true, because Yoga is many things. Most of us know the 21st century version of Yoga, but may not fully understand the intentions of the people who created the Yoga many, many years ago. If more people knew fully the foundations of Yoga - from the beginning to the present, more people may be inclined to accept the practice. 

The origins of Yoga date back to the oldest archaeological evidence found, dating from around 3000 BC, and it is stone seals with figures in yogic positions belonging to the civilizations of the Indus and Saraswati valleys. 

The oldest Hindu scriptures are among the oldest in the world and refers to them Yoga. Hindu culture and in general all the bitter religious and philosophical of India, has its origins in the Vedas, sacred texts that originally comes from Sanskrit. It is an entire collection of wisdom in the field of human knowledge on the physical, metaphysical and purely spiritual. According to Hindu legend, his appearance on Earth occurred when a fish (Mat-sya) saw as the god Shiva taught his Shakti Parvati (wife) exercises of Yoga. The fish mimicked Parvati and practice exercises became a man. 

This Vedic knowledge was preserved from generation to generation by oral tradition, through the recitation of the contents in the form of aphorisms. Were collected in writing, for the first time about five thousand years ago. The first written evidence found in the Vedic scriptures, the four Vedas, particularly in the Rig-Veda and the Atharva-veda, which date back to 2500 BC. 

The Yoga is ancient, dating back over 3,000 years before Christ and his evolution to the present, we can distinguish several stages with specific characteristics for each. 

The evolution of yoga has been divided for study into six categories: 

Proto Yoga is also known as Yoga or Vedic Yoga Archaic. These are elements of Yoga found in the four Vedas, Sanskrit texts, which underpins the system of sacred writings of Hinduism, some of which were written even before 3000 BC 

Pre-Classical Yoga: It is situated between 1500 BC and 500 BC, when the practice of Yoga was a form of sacrificial mysticism based on the internalization of the Brahmanic ritual. Was the development of a contemplative technology covering the concepts of proto Yoga and practices based on Vedantic metaphysics of non-dualism. 

Epic Yoga: Refers to the stage that goes from 500 BC to 200 AD is a period when there was a proliferation of schools and doctrines, mostly non-dualistic, in some cases are considered as belonging to the previous stage. 

Classical Yoga: Yoga is also called Darshana or Yoga of Patanjali, as their doctrine was established about 200 AD by Patanjali Yogasutras. It grew out of a departure from the basic non-dualistic Vedantic metaphysics and strict dualistic interpretation of reality. 

Post-Classical Yoga: It lasted from 200 AD to 1900 AD and it was basically following the yogic teachings of Yoga Classic returning to the non-dualistic teachings of Yoga Pre-Classic, but not knowing much of his philosophy -dualist, but used the way eight paces and their definitions. This stage corresponds to the writings of Tantrism and Hatha Yoga. 

Modern Yoga: This is the Yoga Integral and the many Western schools of Hatha Yoga, which develop from 1900 AD 

In the West the best known part of the Vedas are the Upanishads, treatises and poems that explore philosophical and mystical nature of the human soul. It is in the Upanishads, the last part of the Vedas (1500 BC) where the basis of yogic teachings. Surge Vedanta philosophy about reality or absolute consciousness. 

Around 500 BC there are two major epics, the Ramayana of Valmiki, Vyasa and the Mahabharata, which narrates the incarnations of God. Among the narrative is moral and philosophical topics. An important part of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita, this consists of eighteen chapters, which discusses various aspects of Yoga. Around 500 BC Patanjali compiled all existing knowledge about Yoga in the Yoga Sutras, the basic text unanimously recognized by all yogic schools. 

The Yoga Sutras are the foundation of Raja Yoga. The Yoga of Patanjali is not only a Yoga but there are others. It is what might be called the Yoga classic routine: a set of rules must be practical and very circumscribed achievements metaphysical principles of Samkhya. 

Over the years many authors have commented on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which are ranked in the 8 progressive steps (Ashtanga Yoga) to the realization, in Raja Yoga, the Yoga more developed in the West. Ashtanga Yoga. 

The Ashtanga Yoga or Yoga of eight steps including a set of techniques that are complementary to each other the whole practice of the yogi. The first 4 steps develop particular practice "outside" the last 4 steps practice "internal" or more staff.

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