Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tips for Yoga Practice

Tips for Yoga Practice 

1. As for any practice requires consulting a doctor, particularly when they have any physical condition that might limit the possibility of holding certain positions or even suggest its contraindication. Such is the case of inverted postures, which are contraindicated in hypertensive subjects. 

2. The ideal is to perform exercises of yoga outdoors in a wooded park after a shower, as far as possible away from meals and wearing comfortable clothes. 

3. Although the basic set of exercises, yoga can be done by people of different constitution, degree of physical development and age, you must use common sense and respect the constitution limits the body itself. 

4. Also, keep in mind that each position can be perfected with constant practice, so be prepared to move progressively and not try to achieve the best possible position from the start, or push your body beyond its limit. 

5. The effect of each position is obtained with static maintenance, initially for a few seconds, extending the span of a little. The position should feel comfortable and allowed to breathe slowly and deeply. 

6. The mind must be fully aware of your body, work in progress and respiration. The only muscles that are tense should be required to maintain posture, the rest of the body should be completely relaxed. 

7. Between poses, you relax for about a minute or two in the corpse pose, breathing slowly and deeply. 

8. Each session should end with 5 minutes of meditation.

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