Saturday, December 12, 2009

How to Do Yoga

How to Do Yoga 

Etymologically yoga means union, since the goal of yoga is the union of consciousness with the absolute principle. The yoga is an empirical science that purifies our bodies and our minds, freeing ourselves of all shocks, a science where certain individuals have tried to plumb the mysteries of the mind, intellect, emotions, suffering and life. 

Yoga is born not of speculation, but thousands of years of experiences that have been replicated by many yogis throughout history. Yoga has its own methods and fundamentals that make a broad and comprehensive system of internal development. 

Work the physical body, the endocrine glands, internal organs while also seeks to connect the conscious with the unconscious mind and allows us to observe our mental patterns. The purpose of this discipline is to help you stay healthy, find happiness both physically and mentally and spiritually and we feel we made. 

Many people want to know what the most favorable environment for practicing yoga. For the exercises, we recommend separating a room in your house. If possible, remove all the furniture and objects that can divert your mind from practice. If you have pictures that show some spiritual reason or India, place. They will help you create the right environment. Choose a quiet and well ventilated. Successful practices also depends on a quiet, free from noise and disturbance. As you go about your practice, there must be other people in the room. If you have friends who also want to practice, you can join them together and practice exercises. 

In schools of yoga and group classes, we prefer to use a very clean and quiet room, with hardwood floors or carpeting. 


Many people want to know what the most favorable environment for practicing yoga. For the exercises, we recommend separating a room in your house. If possible, remove all the furniture and objects that can divert your mind from practice. If you have pictures that show some spiritual reason or India, place. They will help you create the right environment. Choose a quiet and well ventilated. Successful practices also depends on a quiet, free from noise and disturbance. As you go about your practice, there must be other people in the room. If you have friends who also want to practice, you can join them together and practice exercises. In schools of yoga and group classes, we prefer to use a very clean and quiet room, with hardwood floors or carpeting . 


The site should not be very soft or soft. Ideally, we prefer the carpeted floor, or else use a blanket or a foam of about 6 inches thick. The foam and blanket have the inconvenience of moving, a problem not encountered with the carpeted floor. Whichever site you use, this should always be kept clean. Do not use shoes during practice, or step on the practice site with them. 


Most yogis practice their exercises early in the morning. The best time to practice yoga is before the start of the day, filled with thousands of responsibility. Furthermore, in these early hours of very few things we per turban (cars, people, etc..) The practice of yoga at this time is very important also for yogis who lack exclusive quarter for their practices, as is the time when others sleep. The time prior to the appearance of the sun, is very favorable for yoga and meditation. In Sanskrit language at this time is known as Brahma muhurta (recommended schedule from 5 to 6:30). Peace of mind is absolutely necessary to practice the exercises. Hence, it is very important that you choose a fixed schedule for their practices (30 to 60 minutes).

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