Saturday, December 12, 2009

Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga 

Regular practice of Yoga, rapidly improving flexibility, muscle tone and fitness in general. Over time, add many more benefits, which are very valid reasons to recommend the practice. There are many and powerful arguments for the regular practice of Yoga. 

The Yoga is useful to maintain, restore and improve physical health. You can prevent stress, lower stress and anxiety. Strengthen your immune system. We benefit if you are hypertensive, diabetic, asthmatic and if you have trouble sleeping or suffer chronic headaches or back. Improve the cardiovascular system, digestive system and vision. 

The Yoga will help you stay fit and to relax the body and mind, increase your energy. Improve flexibility, strength and balance. Through its hormonal action, contribute to your mental balance, allowing at the same time, be alert and relaxed. 

The Yoga is a lifestyle that will work with your personal growth, helping you to discover the hidden potential of your body and mind. Improve your image and your self-esteem and increase your powers of concentration and your memory. 

The Yoga will free you from negative thoughts and emotions, to develop your willpower and your confidence in yourself. Improve your relationships with others, by allowing you to develop patience, tolerance, compassion and forgiveness. 

The Yoga will increase your awareness, letting you deal with clarity and serenity, the different levels of life. His practice is tailored to every need, making it simple and compatible with any other physical or mental discipline, you can practice. 

More and more Westerners have succeeded in changing their lives, "combat stress, stress, or depression, using this ancient Indian practice, which also serves to improve the appearance of our bodies. 

For thousands of years, Yoga has been a central part in the lives of millions of people throughout the world seeking healing and peace through meditative practice of this exercise. No wonder then that there are many interpretations of its benefits and that each person assigned a different interpretation. However, there is a certainty shared by all people who practice it: those who do yoga, have their age, can be found through this exercise a greater well-being, develop greater flexibility in your body, improve it aesthetically, and feel more lucid and awake .

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