Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yoga: The maintenance of good posture and the muscles of the chest in good condition

Like the heroes of the cartoon of the same name, each woman has a "fad" (small or large breasts, plump legs, big hips, etc., etc.), which she always remembers and makes sometimes a little shortage (which did they might not be) a huge problem ... And maybe stop to follow the unattainable standards and be myself? 

Like the heroes of the cartoon of the same name, each woman has a "fad" (small or large

Let's start with the maintenance of good posture and the muscles of the chest in good condition. And help us in this yoga. 

Good posture - it is always nice. In most cases posture is an indication that its owner monitors their own health. As you know, preserve the flexibility of the spine extends his youth, and this means the absence of many diseases. 

Recall that the involve in carrying out multiple muscle groups. 

Step One: Warm - 

1. Stand up straight, feet fully on the floor. Muscles tightened, his shoulders straightened and freely omitted, the muscles of the abdomen, back, legs stretched, the chest is fully straightened, chin parallel to the floor, the spine is fully extended. On the inhale lift your hands up, joining hands straightened arms above his head. The hands are drawn up, feet stay on the floor. Stay in this position for several respiratory cycles. On the exhale, lower hands along the body ( mountain pose). Repeat several times. 

Step Two: Base 

2. Legs wide apart, his arms raise and breed in the hand, feet parallel to each other, palms parallel to the floor, back straight. On the exhale, maintaining posture, bend to the right, sliding his hand along a straight right leg. Save the position for several respiratory cycles. On inspiration to return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the left - pose an elongated triangle). Repeat several times. 

3. Stand up straight, feet fully on the floor. Muscles tightened, his shoulders straightened and freely omitted, the muscles of the abdomen, back, legs stretched, the chest is fully straightened, chin parallel to the floor, the spine is fully extended. On the inhale lift your hands up, joining hands straightened arms above his head. Start to squat until thighs are parallel to the floor. Thus the spin must remain straight and if possible not to lean forward. Hands are drawn up. Wait a few breathing cycles. On inspiration to return to its original position - pose rage).  

4. Exercise from a prone position. Lie on the floor face down, arms stretch forward, his legs are joined together. On the inhale bend the elbows and place palms on the level of the hips. Raise the upper half of the body, straightening arms. Maximum gently bend back. The legs should remain straight and tense. Rib cage is fully expanded. Stay in that position for several respiratory cycles (cobra pose). Repeat several times. 

5. We should sit on the floor, legs outstretched. First, bend the right leg at the knee, grab the foot with his hands and put it on the left thigh, the heel should ideally be near the navel. Then the same thing done with the left foot. Back should remain straight. The left hand to lift up, bend at the elbow and put his hand along the spine, palm down. His right hand bend at the elbow and put his hand up between his shoulder blades. Throw in his hand. The back is still straight. Chest is expanded, but not bulging forward. Stay in this position for several respiratory cycles (a combination - lotus posture and - poses a cow). Then change the hand position. 

6. Remaining sit on the floor with your legs crossed and leaning back, slowly lie down on the floor with his back, chest upwards. Try to put your hands on the floor behind her head, stretching them. Stay in this position for several respiratory cycles - fish pose). 

Step Three: relaxed 

7. Sit on the floor, legs outstretched. Bend the left leg at the knee, hands to take a foot and put it right thigh. Bend the right leg at the knee, hands to take a foot and put it on his left ankle so that the heel was directed upward and the toes were left thigh. Hands placed on his feet - back of the hand touch the knees. Keep free breathing (attitude wise). 

8. Lie on your back and totally relax. Brushes should be based on your palms up. Heels together, toes apart. Close eyes (corpse pose). 

Complex of exercises takes time no more than 30-40 minutes. All should be done smoothly and slowly, when an uncomfortable occupation must end. It is worth mentioning that try yoga can a person of any age, but he must be sure that it has no contraindications. In addition, you can not immediately require a precise implementation of, accuracy is achieved in the training process. Can master the first one exercise and then connect them to the complex.

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