Thursday, November 12, 2009

Utthita Trikonasana

Formulation feet. Begin by determining the optimal distance for you feet. Foot should be comfortable and stable, but at the same time not put the feet too close to each other. Put your feet on the width of a little more than a meter, feet parallel to each other. Fully expand the right leg out: fingers and knees should look strictly to the right. 

Put the right heel on one line to the left. Then wrap the left foot inward at 15-20 degrees. Bend your right leg so that his knee was on the heel, then take a look at the right thigh - it should be parallel to the floor. If not, increase the distance between stops: leaving his right leg bent, promote the left foot away from the right, until the right thigh becomes parallel to the floor. Once again, straighten your right leg - this is your individual Utthita Trikonasana distance. If the leg muscles are not very elastic, and hip joints are mobile enough, you will be hard to hold the front thigh parallel to the floor without feeling tension in the legs, knees or lower back. In this case, the first time, put the foot closer to each other. 

Log in Asana. The first step towards development Utthity Trikonasana done, and we can move on. Take a brick and put it on the high line for the right foot. If you went into the pose, you feel that you can delete the palm below, change the position of bricks. 

Dilute hand in hand, parallel to the floor. Pull them intensively. Imagine that they are becoming longer with each exhalation. Tyanites crown upward, lengthening the spine. Firmly press the outer edge of the left foot to the floor. Lift the right side of the pelvis, removing it from his right thigh. Pull your knees. Take a deep breath, lowering his left hand on the waist, and move look at the fingertips of his right hand. On the exhale, slowly lower yourself to the right, making the slope of the hip joint and evenly extending both sides. 

Lower the right hand on the brick, firmly press his hand to him, but do not put weight on it body. Tyanites left hand up to the ceiling. Breathe deeply and calmly, watching the extended thorax and breathing becomes free. 

Starting master Utthita Trikonasanu, students often tend to bend down as low as possible, with the body moves forward, and the pelvis - back. To avoid this error, dropping, try to keep them in the same plane with the foot. 
Stay in Asan. Going into Utthita Trikonasanu, try to align the pose. Start with the stop: Make sure the pads of the thumb, the area under the little finger, inner and outer edge of half a dozen tightly pressed to the floor, weight distributed evenly between them, while the right foot is still tucked inside. Several times the tear off his toes from the floor and pull them forward - this will help to better understand feet and revitalize asana as a whole. Once again, firmly press the foot to the floor. Make sure that the kneecap looked exactly right for this actively deploy the right thigh outward. Draw the muscles of the upper thigh. 

Now will focus on the pelvis and abdomen: they should look strictly forward. This is not always easy, especially if the hip joints is not enough fluid. Point the right buttock and tail bone to the left heel and lift up the left side of the pelvis until the abdomen and thorax did not unfold exactly forward. Make sure that at this hip and knee right leg is not wrapped inside. You should not feel discomfort in his lower back. Do not "take the pose by storm" - within its capabilities. Not terrible, if not immediately be able to deploy the pelvis completely. 

Try to evenly pull both sides - do not compress the right and not to round the left. If achieved evenness fails, lower your hand to a higher support, such as a chair seat. With respect and love for your body and remember: do not pose becomes less effective if you do not bend very deeply. 

Actively pull hands - let them be like the rays emanating from the heart. Attach the shoulders of the head. The left hand should be directed straight up, do not let it deviate forward or backward. Deploy the chest to the ceiling and direct the breast to the chin. Starting to develop posture, looking forward, not up. Let look will be soft, and the mind - calm. Breathe evenly and deeply. Watch over your body: whether all parts of the body maintain the correct position? Feel like a traction in the body is formed space. 

Exit asanas. Asana Hold for 8-10 breaths, then exhale stronger push the left foot to the floor. For inspiration go up, the maximum pulling his left arm. Lower the palms on the waist and then expand to the position of the foot parallel to each other. Remove all power before perform the pose in the other direction. 

Vary posture. Perform regular Utthita Trikonasanu and do not be afraid to experiment: for example, change the distance mezhdustopami or deploy a basin under different angles. And, finally, from time to time Trikonasanu do, completely forgetting about the instructions. Suppose you send breath. Just abide in Asana, watching a feeling.

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