Thursday, November 12, 2009

Additional description Utthita Trikonasana

Initial position of the feet in this Asana requires special attention. The fact is that all people are different proportions of the limbs, this is added the difference in height and build. And the question immediately arises: what is in each case setting the width of the legs? Answer: The starting position in this position for any person to be so, when - leaning to one side with the spine, more or less parallel to the floor (in the thoracic part of it) - arm, dropped down perpendicularly, will be located in the middle segment of the knee to the ankle joints of the same name feet. Or you can say this: the hand touches the floor in the middle of the horizontal projection of the said segment. 

In contrast to the approach Iyengar yoga, where everything is done too abruptly, tear, quickly, I do not recommend a "standing" asanas to put legs to the starting position jump, nor would advise you to jump back to its original position. In fact, these Macropod manners in the classical practice, completely out of place. Sharp movements in addition initiate a consciousness, and the already overheated reality, and the challenge of yoga - to balance it, so all the movements during the transition from posture to posture should be unhurried, relaxed and soft that people are not leaping around, moving jerkily, like Pinocchio in a bad cartoon. 

So, let us turn to the formulation of the feet. In all positions, which are carried out "standing", the foot always oriented so that foot is feet, to which we bend (or in the direction which makes an attack, that is, bend the knee) was placed in the plane of the legs and torso, that is was directed sideways, parallel to the wall, if we stand back to her. The other foot is always formed with the first only an acute angle from 45 ° to about 70 *. During the execution of any "standing" posture soles of both feet must be held tightly to the floor, which is achieved not at once. 

Moreover, the School of Iyengar insists that they were pressed to the floor so close to the body weight distributed on the surface of each foot evenly, virtually no distinction in its individual sections. Only then will a certain point in the center of the foot, which they call "eye of God Burg, supposedly, will be closely in touch with a support surface that characterizes the necessary state and position of the feet. 

This, of course, "aerobatics", which I think only confusing for a beginner just have to resolve several mutually exclusive issues. In addition to keeping his feet in full contact with the floor in Utthita Trikonasane, legs should be straight in the knees and a cup of their sunken top. The trunk also went down to the side, located in a vertical plane, which you control for touch backs. 

All these endless details, petty, non-essential requirements and nuances of the system allow Iyengar yoga at least something to talk about asanas but bare description of their geometry which, especially in the "standing" postures, it is extremely easy and fast to remember. Of detail given here is important because attention should be involved in something to do with no real meaning on the one hand - and distracted from his search for the proposed, scanty indeed information - on the other. 

Typically, flexible middle-aged man, unfamiliar with yoga, very mediocre. Not only that by hand floor "Trikonasanah - an elusive goal, but also the knees drawn disgusting, and the torso turns, - what can I do? 

First: all the "standing" asanas should be performed, as I said, at the wall. Iyengar in 1989, said in a joking manner, but quite seriously, that the "standing" poses a wall - the best teacher, and here he is absolutely right. 

So, we camped in a vertical plane so that the foot is feet, to which we have gathered to bend, was at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall and parallel to it. Then the heel of opposite foot - at the turn to the desired angle - will touch the wall. Setting foot in such a way to advance a certain width, I begin with an exhalation lower torso to one side, say - to the right. In this case, both shoulder blades do not lose contact with the wall, especially the upper left, which should not come off or an inch. 

It is so moving down until such time as no one in his ribs or resistance in the leg, which I omitted. As soon as the difficulty appeared and feel - no matter where! - Became apparent I must, pushing (which is convenient, but possibly vertically, not diagonally) with his right hand in his right leg the same (with shoulder blades pressed against the wall) and distributed on the part of her body weight, stay in a position to direct the knees and stretched string (but without too much stress!) feet - while the body is relaxed! The upper arm goes to the zenith, the bottom - the nadir. 

That is, although it rests on the leg or the floor, but perpendicular to the latter. At the same time I done it head to the left so that, without straining his neck to look at your left thumb, which is located at the top. In this position, I watch the breath in his nostrils, stomach completely relaxed. Again, pay attention to the above subtlety: if the legs are too relaxed, then any "standing" asana will be unstable. As adaptation to these postures should be phased out from the wall, firmly stand on its own feet. To control can only slightly touch her back, and then perform the asanas without any support and the support. 

On the other hand and foot strain is a mistake, leading to the fact that together with them in an unacceptable degree of "capture the" minds and the whole body, and it is not nothing but a spurious work that is entirely unnecessary and a hindrance to the faithful execution of postures and all practices in general. Therefore need to "catch" a sector of the intensity of the tension leg, so that they remain sufficiently rigid, immutable structure, and the torso and it was capable of the most relaxing, while in the belt, it can be freely bent or twisted. Thus we come to the polar nature of the load regime of the body: all working in Asana - strained only to the extent necessary, minimally, with no excesses, it is not involved - relaxed to such an extent as possible. 

In Utthita Trikonasanu should bend to exhale, to breathe freely and in a pose with the breath to rise to its original position so that the rate of flexion-extension not to shoot down the respiratory regularity and quiet. This requirement dictates a slow motion at the entrance of the posture and exit them. 

So - when bent, exhale, inhale free - and we again breathe normally, calmly, relaxed and at ease, but being in this position

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