Friday, July 10, 2009

YOGA - The Power Of Sound

When we hear music, we tune to our radio station preterit. According to Swami, meditation mantic works the same way: when we feel the need to connect with our ill Io deeper, we must not help but repeat a mantra, we tune in on that frequency so that the interior is always available. 

The mantra in fact acting like a tuning fork, using sound to create a physical sensation that vibrates in the body and mind 

OM, the universal spirit 

Many spiritual traditions regard the sound as the first form of creation, the primordial manifestation of the Spirit in matter. The Vedas describe the syllable OM as the first sound, the sound elementary, which creates and contains the full range of sounds and the Spirit is infinite universal. 

Like the other mantra, it originated from exploration of the interior that the ancient sages, achieved a state of deep meditation, could hear sounds in almost imperceptible, then codified in Sanskrit. In an attempt then to reach the union with the divine and the liberation from suffering, the wise men developed a series of sounds that blend in inwardly, directions on the inner and soothe the mind. 

How to choose the right one 

The ideal mantra is composed of a few words or syllables, so you can easily repeat. In meditation, the meaning of the mantra is not essential: what counts is the regular repetition of the sound. It need not be confined only to Sanskrit 

You can also use words like "Amen", "Shalom," "Peace" or any other word that we have a special meaning. Just choose an expression invigorating, a word can inspire and awaken the heart. Be avoided, however, all those words that stimulate the mind and the mind wave. 

Gives the 

Although meditation is a matter of mental concentration, it is difficult to check if the body is in an awkward position or the breath is irregular. Before you start well and then perform an asana or practice of pranayama can correct breathing patterns.

Systematically you have to do 

Sit on a comfortable chair or on the floor, supporting your posture with a blanket or a pillow, so that the back straight to take a firm, stable and relaxed. Close your eyes and do some slow, deep breaths, slowly repeat a mantra on a regular basis, focusing as much as possible on its sound. Reptile in tune with the rhythm of your respire. Dupo have played a dozen times; repeat the mantra silently chosen only by moving the lips. After another 10 repetitions, recital inwardly without even moving her lips. 

And 'normal way to do that in the mind of thoughts, but tries to remove them and return each time attention to the mantra, experiencing as much as possible the inner sound and its power. 

Recasting your life through mantra 

To exit the meditative state, ask some deep and respire remains seated in silence looking at the sensations you feel. You can feel calm and focused, or filled with feelings and thoughts that creed now buried in your subconscious and even that may seem unpleasant. 

Regardless of your immediate reaction, know that the regular practice brings huge benefits: allow you to live the present moment with greater intensity bringing you to make informed choices rather than be trapped in the usual reactions. 

Beyond the flurry of thoughts, you will discover a vast silence regenerating; a light source can bring to the surface the roots of suffering and a source of wisdom that can transform it from within your life.

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