Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yoga to the high pressure

The increased pressure comes from the heavy work of the heart and narrowing of vessels in response to the activity of certain parts of the nervous system. 

Arterial hypertension (namely the so-called high blood pressure) may have other reasons to be secondary because of the weakening of the kidneys, damage to the liver or small bowel, weakening the functions of blood vessels. The reasons, which increases the pressure a lot, so it is necessary to use several ways to prevent this problem. Of course, if the existing diagnosis and long-term course of arterial hypertension as a medical correction. 

Practicing yoga normalize the work of internal organs that contribute to the normalization of the pressure. 

1. Hal asana (plow pose). Technology implementation. 

• Lie on your back on the mat, legs fully extend and straining the knees. Hands along the trunk, put your palms down. 

• bend the knees, legs to the stomach, thighs squeeze on the belly. 

• With exhalation lift pelvis from the floor, helping themselves with their hands. Breathe evenly. 

• Slightly lower torso, arms and legs, move his head and pull toes on the floor. If this provision is given to the work, put your head over a stool or chair and place toes on it. 

• Push your knees and torso slightly upwards. Helping yourself with your hands, give it to a vertical position. Fingers feet touch the floor as far as possible from the head. 

• Pull your arms in the opposite direction to the legs. 

• grapple long fingers and pull out the arms and legs in opposite directions. This gives a total strength of the backbone. 

• Remain in position for about 5 minutes during normal breathing. 

• To release the arms, lift his feet and slowly lower to the floor in the recumbent position. Relax. 

2. Posture tilting forward). Technology implementation. 

• Sit on the floor; pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor of the pelvis. Take a few breaths, exhale. 

• pull the arms and grasp the big toes, each clutch between index, middle and thumb cuffs respective hands. 

• Stretch the spine and try to keep it prognostic. At the outset, is a sort of bulge, because the spine stretched only from the area of the shoulders? It should start from the back sag pelvic area at the rear, while the arms stretch from the shoulders. Then hump disappears and the spin will be flat. Take a few deep breaths, exhale. 

• Then exhale, rotate, elbows. Use the elbows as levers to help pull the body forward, and try to touch loom knee. 

• Slowly lower the elbows to the floor, pull the neck and torso, and tap the knee nose, then lips. 

• When it becomes easy to make further efforts: Capture the underside and put his chin on his knees. 

• When it will be easy, stuck a brush, cover your fingers and put his chin on the shin below the knee. 

• Make sure that the rear surface of the knee fit snugly to the floor. At the initial stage of the knees will rise from the floor. It should stretch the back muscles of the hips and torso to move forward. 

• Stay in this position, which you can use, from 1 to 5 minutes, breathes evenly. 

• Breath, lift the head from the knees and relax. 

3. Parasite Technology implementation. 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen stibnite, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

• Breath, lay hands on the waist (your fingers should be sent in advance) and Slide legs as widely (at 130-150 cm), heavily rotten ago. 

• Push the legs, patella upwards. Put his hands on the floor between the feet in line with the shoulders and the width of the shoulders. 

• Breath and lift his head up, holding the back concave. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and breathe normally. 

• bend hands in elbows and touch the floor head and legs at the knees, try not to bend. Body weight while be on his feet - do not move the body weight on the head. Make sure that both feet; both hands and head were in one line. 

• Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, breathe deeply and evenly. Those who can not bend so far as to touch the crown sex may be an inclination to put forward his hands a bit forward. But the head must be kept in line with the foot. 

• Breath, lift the head from the floor and straighten your arms in the elbows. Hold head high, pronged back as the beginning of the exercises. 

• lift the torso in the upright position. 

• Finally, hop back to its original position. 

In order to monitor their own pressure, it is necessary above all to reduce weight, stop smoking, normalization of eating habits, as well as to reduce salt intake. Remember that the asana is not performed during periods of aggravation of any disease. Yoga first and foremost - a method of prevention, rather than a method of therapy, as some people mistakenly think.

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