Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yoga to the anemia or anemia

Anemia - a disease which reduces the content of hemoglobin in the blood. The disease occurs as a result of the accelerated destruction of red blood cells and the lack of bone marrow function. 

When anemia occurs pale complexion, lips, gums, under the clear blue eye circles, frequent chills, lethargy, headache, nausea, palpitations. Anemia can be «companion» many states, such as in pregnancy said about so-called physiological (natural), anemia, diseases of gastrointestinal tract may also cause anemia due to violations of the assimilation of food. The treatment of these conditions holds a doctor, the therapy is always complex, and includes the correction of diet and medication, and a valid physical education and physiotherapy. It is in this case there is a positive result. Speaking of yoga, we can not forget that in a complex exercise and there are many such, which beneficially affect the body, with anemia. 

1. Rabbit pose. Technology implementation. 

• Sit on the floor; pull the leg straight in front of you. Bend your right leg in the knee, and helping yourself by hand; place your right foot under your right buttock, then bend the left leg and place left foot under the left buttock. Sit on heels, toes turned backward. Hands put on his knees. 

• Make quiet, slow breaths through the nose, followed by Hold hands over heels thumb cuffs out. Then exhale slowly tilting in the forward and down, trying to touch the pad near the knee loom. 

• Then uprights crown in the floor, chin firmly push to the sternum, and not changing the status of the legs, back and buttocks province forward until the hand holding the heel, not stood up to the elbows. 

• Remain in position a few seconds - until the last break after inhalation. On exhale, return to its original position. Exercise performs 1-3 times. 

2. Bow poses. Technology implementation. 

• Lie on your floor in the entire length of the body in the stomach, face down. 

• bend the legs at the knees. Pull your hands back and take the left hand over his left ankle and right arm - for the right ankle. Make two inhalation-exhalations. 

• Completely and try to pull the legs up, knees up, while lifting the chest from the floor. In this position the hand and wrist acting as the bowstring, body like a bow. 

• Raise the head and take it as far back; rotten in the back to such an extent that no ribs or pelvic bones are not touching the ground. Only the stomach to bear the weight of the body. 

• Make sure that feet and rising, not joined at the knees - so you can raise them higher. Only when the legs are fully extended up, connect the hips, knees and ankles. 

Since the stomach is stretched, your breathing will be rapid. Stay in position, whenever possible, from 20 seconds to 1 minute. 

• Then release the breath with the ankle, pull the legs straight, lower your head and feet on the floor and relax. 

• Repeat this exercise 5 times. 

3. Posture candles or birch. Technology implementation. 

• Lie on your back on the mat, legs fully extend and straining the knees. Hands along the trunk put your palms down. 

• Bend the knees, legs to the stomach, thighs squeeze on the belly. 

• With exhalation lift pelvis from the floor, helping themselves with their hands. Breathe evenly. 

• Again on the exhale lift the torso up even more, that it was perpendicular to the floor, keep his hands; the chest should touch the chin. 

• Finally, take a position on the floor that remained only his head, neck, shoulders and back of the hand to the elbows. Hands that should be in the middle of the spine. 

• straighten the legs. At the outset, may not be easy to keep the feet of a strictly vertical. It should stretch the back muscles of the hips and stretch up stronger. Elbows do not make the shoulders wider. 

• Stay in the pose for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time of the asana and 15 minutes, breathe evenly. Check that the neck was straight and the center chin resting on the sternum. 

• Slowly and gently fell to the floor, release the hands, lie back and relax. 

A very important factor for getting rid of anemia is the use of products and medications containing iron, vitamins and amino acids. It should be remembered that, in relation to drugs need to comply strictly with the dosage, because the incorrect application can cause side effects. You do not need to think of anemia (even the light of its forms) can escape quickly. Treatment of anemia - a complicated lengthy process, which should be monitored by a doctor.

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