Monday, June 8, 2009

Yoga against obesity

We all agree that obesity - a complex problem of the whole organism, which is based on the metabolic disorder. Add to this sedentary lifestyle - and a prerequisite for increasing body mass index are all concrete. 

The exercises of yoga help to solve these two problems - breach and metabolism. During the asana activates fat burning and soft massage internal organs to normal metabolism. 

1. Ardha Urdhvasana (polupripodnyataya posture). Technology implementation. 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, podtyanite upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and podtyanite posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen stibnite, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

• Bend left leg in knee socks and take the left foot, left hand. Right hand, lift up so that the palm was facing forward. 

• Make a quiet shallow breath and hold your breath. Delays after inhalation bend the left arm at the elbow joint, trying to raise the left leg above. 

• Make sure that the tribe is not rejected in part. Try to raise the left leg as high as possible. 

• Stay in this position a few seconds - until the last break after inhalation. Look straight ahead. 

• At the end, release the left leg and return to its original position. Take a quiet exhale through the nose. 

• Repeat the exercise in the mirror reflection - the same thing, do the right arm and right leg. 

2. internal massage of the abdomen. Technology implementation. 

• Lie on your back on the floor. 

• Pull the hand in hand on the shoulder, so that the body resembled a cross. 

• lift both legs together to a vertical position so that they will be perpendicular to the floor. The legs should be hard to keep straight, as the bars are not bending their knees. 

• In this situation, do a few breaths and exhale, hold your breath and move both legs together and left down to the floor until your fingers left foot barely touched upon the tips of the fingers stretched his left hand. Avoid touching feet sex, because then lost grip of internal organs and can not properly reduce. When you move the left foot, rotate the torso to the right - take care not to pull back from the floor. Initially, it will be difficult to implement - the right shoulder persisted be raised from the floor. To remedy the situation, hold the right hand for any fitment. 

• Make sure that dropped both feet together, knees to be stretched over the entire exercise. Lumbar back hold, if possible, on the floor and rotate the feet only of the pelvis. All foot traffic - up or in part - should be performed very slowly, without jerks. The slower the movement, the better its effect on the abdominal organs. If exercise is done quickly, the train only their feet. 

• Stay in this position about 20 seconds, while maintaining all the legs being strained. Then exhale slowly returns to their upright position. 

• Being a while in this position, make a few breaths, exhale and then repeat all the movements, descending to the right leg. Stay in this pose the same amount of time, and then exhale back legs in a vertical position and, finally, slowly lower them to the floor. Relax. 

3. Technology implementation. 

• Sit on the floor, pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor of the pelvis, giving your fingers to stop. 

• Bend your knees so that the foot stood on the floor. 

• Transfer the body weight on the hand and foot, and lift the body from the floor. Straighten arms and legs, straining elbow and knee joints. 

• Pull the neck and head as far as possible oscine ago. 

• Remain in position 1 minute, breathe normally. 

• bend the elbows and knees, sit on the floor and relax. 

4. boat pose. Technology implementation. 

• Sit on the floor, pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor near the pelvis, fingers turned to the footsteps. Pull the hands directly. Always keep your back straight. 

• reject the torso slightly back, at the same time, lift his feet, holding them firmly, like rods, knees should be stretched. Try to maintain balance only through the buttocks, that is, that no part of the spine does not touch the floor. Lift the leg to an angle of approximately 60-65 degrees to the floor. 

• Raise the hands above the floor and pull your hands forward, keeping them parallel to the floor from the hips. The palms should be facing each other and lie at the shoulders. 

Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, breathe normally. Try to gradually increase the time spent on asana up to 1 minute, as the effect of asana beginning to be felt only after 20 seconds. 

• Then lower arms, put his feet on the floor and relax, lying on his back. 

5. Posture grasshoppers. Technology implementation. 

• lie belly to the floor during the entire length of the body. A person must be brought down, and stretch the hand back. 

• lift both the head, chest and legs as high as possible. Check that no palms, no edge is not touching the ground. On the floor should remain only the abdomen, which bears the weight of the body. 

• Push your buttocks as much as possible and pull the thigh muscles, somknuv hips, knees and ankles. 

• Hand pull out the back to use upper back muscles. 

• Stay in this position as long as possible with normal breathing. 

Initially difficult to simultaneously raise the floor of the legs and chest. Therefore, to begin implementation of asana can be such an option: lying on the floor face down, arms pulled along the trunk by pushing them to the thigh, or even a little slip of them, palms upwards. Doing a deep breath, slowly lift the leg until the bottom of the torso not from the floor. As the abdominal muscles, it will be possible to perform asana completely. 

These asana are quite complex in execution at first, especially for people with high values of excess weight. However, with a corresponding persistence can be even with the help of simple exercises to achieve good results. If you remember that any As an has a complex effect on the body, the benefits from the benefit and in the musculoskeletal system, and nervous system. 

Most important factor in the success of getting rid of excess kilograms is balanced daily nutrition. Not getting rid of bad food habits, hard to count on a solution to this problem.

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