Monday, June 8, 2009

Practicing yoga against allergies

At the moment, is suffering from allergies of some 30-40% of the population of Earth? Every decade, the incidence of allergies in all countries doubled, and over burdening of allergic disease. Soon even the most optimistic-minded doctors are not expected to improve the situation in this regard. In this situation, prevention is very important - yoga offers to address this at home with the help of specific asana, which are integrated to affect the human body and help with the allergic condition. 

Allergy is a good medical phenomenon. The mechanisms that cause it is known, a lot of drugs for treatment, but the incidence of the disease does not become smaller. The point is that the allergy may be hiding under the guise of many diseases, but even in the early detection of disease is often completely get rid of it is almost impossible - because of the stress state of the immune system (the immune system is responsible for all manifestations of allergy). 

So, yoga is not proposing to abandon the official methods of treatment and prevention, but in conjunction with them may have an additional positive effect. 

1. Dhahran (internal massage of the abdomen). Technology implementation. 

• Lie on your back on the floor. 

• Pull the hand in hand on the shoulder, so that the body resembled a cross. 

• lift both legs together to a vertical position so that they will be perpendicular to the floor. The legs should be hard to keep straight, as the bars are not bending their knees. 

• In this situation, do a few breaths and exhale, hold your breath and move both legs together and left down to the floor until your fingers left foot barely touched the finger tips stretched his left hand. Avoid touching feet sex, because then lost grip of internal organs and can not properly reduce. When you move the left foot, rotate the torso to the right - take care not to pull back from the floor. Initially, it will be difficult to implement - the right shoulder persisted be raised from the floor. To remedy the situation, hold the right hand for any fitment. 

• Make sure that dropped both feet together, knees to be stretched over the entire exercise. Lumbar back hold, if possible, on the floor and rotate the feet only of the pelvis. All foot traffic - up or in part - should be performed very slowly, without jerks. The slower the movement, the better its effect on the abdominal organs. If exercise is done quickly, the train only their feet. 

• Stay in this position about 20 seconds, while maintaining all the legs being strained. Then exhale slowly returns to their upright position. 

• Being a while in this position, make a few breaths, exhale and then repeat all the movements, descending to the right leg. Stay in this pose the same amount of time, and then exhale back legs in a vertical position and, finally, slowly lower them to the floor. Relax. 

2. Parasite Technology implementation. 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, podtyanite upwards patella, shorten the top of the thigh and rear thigh muscles podtyanite. Abdomen stibnite, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

• Breath, lay hands on the waist (your fingers should be sent in advance) and Slide legs as widely (at 130-150 cm), heavily rotten ago. 

• Push the legs, patella upwards. And put his hands on the floor between the feet in line with the shoulders and the width of the shoulders. 

• Breath and lift his head up, holding the back concave. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and breathe normally. 

• bend hands in elbows and touch the floor head and legs at the knees, try not to bend. Body weight while be on his feet - do not move the body weight on the head. Make sure that both feet; both hands and head were in one line. 

• Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, breathe deeply and evenly. Those who can not bend so far as to touch the crown sex may be an inclination to put forward his hands a bit forward. But the head must be kept in line with the foot. 

• Breath, lift the head from the floor and straighten your arms in the elbows. Hold head high, pronged back as the beginning of the exercises. 

• lift the torso in the upright position. 

• Finally, hop back to its original position. 

3. Posture reducing stomach. Technology implementation. 

• Stand straight; astride a distance of about 30 centimeters (feet should be parallel to each other). 

• Take the squat; put his hands on his knees. 

• Touch the left knee to the floor, right foot, torso and head turn to left as far as possible. Palm of his right hand pressed the right thigh to the abdomen, pressing on the right side of the abdomen. Head back, turn left - look behind, to strengthen the torso twisted and the pressure on the abdomen. 

• Keep the pose a few seconds and lasts for a pause after the exhale. Breathe and come back to the original position. 

• Repeat the drill in the other direction, reversing the position of the feet - right knee magnate to the floor, and left - press down to the stomach, head, turn right. 

• Repeat on both sides by 4 times. Pay particular attention that this exercise is important to begin by turning the torso to left, because this option helps to correct move the contents of thick intestine. 

To get maximum positive results, the exercises of yoga should be done not only during the exacerbation of allergies and year-round.

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