Monday, June 8, 2009

Yoga improves the condition of the spine

In the evenings, back pain in 80% of the adult population of our planet. This issue brings together many: from wealthy managers, the whole day at the office for conducting a computer and do not know what public transportation, to conventional construction, the entire day working physically, and knowing by heart schedules, trams and metro. 

The spine is capable of withstanding enormous pressure, only compensatory mechanisms that constrain the emergence of painful changes over time are all the worse. Fabrics spine loses mobility, cartilage - the elasticity. It is not only non-high loads, are most responsible for changes in the absence of physical exercise. 

In the history of humankind, it was suggested many methods to combat back pain, most of these methods did not stand the test of time and have already forgotten. The teachings of yoga recommend that an active attitude towards their spine, and the fact that these exercises a few thousand years old, spoke about the correctness of this technique. 

Rabbit pose 

Technology Implementation: 

1. Sit on the floor; pull the leg straight in front of you. Bend your right leg in the knee, and helping yourself by hand; place your right foot under your right buttock, then bend the left leg and place left foot under the left buttock. Sit on heels, toes turned backward. Hands put on his knees. 

2. Take quiet, slow breaths through the nose, followed by Hold hands over heels, big toes outward. Then exhale slowly tilting in the forward and down, trying to touch the pad near the knee loom. 

3. Then darkness uprights to the floor, chin firmly push to the sternum, and not changing the status of the legs, back and buttocks province forward until the hand holding the heel, not stood up to the elbows. 

4. Remain in position a few seconds - until the last break after inhalation. On exhale, return to its original position. Exercise performs 1-3 times. 

Ardha Chandra Ana (half-moon pose) 

Technology Implementation: 

Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

2. At the expiration restate jump feet to a distance of about 1 meter and pull the hand horizontally at shoulder level. 

3. Turn right foot 90 degrees to the right. The left foot, turn slightly right, holding his left leg stretched and strained from the inside of the tribe. 

4. Tilt the torso, summing the right palm to the right ankle. If possible, place the whole palm on the floor; try to at least the fingers of his right hand to get a rug at his feet, right little finger. Beginners, who are hard to bend down, cannot take a hand in ankle and shin for. 

5. Pull up the left hand - the hand to take a vertical position so that it continued to line the right shoulder. The rear side of legs, upper back, and pelvis should be in the same plane. Please look at the pollex elongated brush his left hand. 

6. On the exhale bend your right leg slightly. Place the palm of his right hand on the floor and tap the floor fingertips of his right hand. 

7. Hold in this position and make two inhalation and exhalation. Then and lift the left leg from the floor. Pull the brush with his right hand and right leg. Good execution shoulders, chest, expand the left. 

8. Keep a balance in this position 20-30 seconds, breathe deeply and evenly. Those who are difficult to independently retain a balance can use the wall as a support for the body. 

9. Then lower the left foot on the floor and repeat the pose of the left. 

Snake pose 

Technology Implementation: 

1. Lie on the floor face down. Pull the legs, keeping feet together (heels and big toes should touch). Push knees, toes pull. 

2. Bend your arms in the elbows. Place the palms on the floor around the pelvis at first the hand can be placed near 

3. Lift your head and, using your palms firmly into the floor, pull the torso up, straightened his hands at the same time. Two inhalation-exhalations. 

4. Breath now sag even stronger - continue to raise the body until the entire body above the navel will not be raised above the floor. If done correctly, the weight of the body is supported solely on the feet and palms. Stay a while in this position. 

5. Check that the legs are not spent in the party. Also, try not to open his mouth. Reduce and straining thighs and buttocks. 

6. Keep the posture of about 20 seconds, breathe normally. During the exercises do not change the position of the feet and hands, not fingers and do not pull the lower abdomen of a rug. 

7. Bend hands in elbows and gently pull the torso on the floor - try to pay attention to how slowly vertebrae of vertebrae are exempt from stress. Lower down the abdomen first, then chest, shoulders, head, until you return to starting position. Repeat the pose 2-3 times. 

8. since the end of the implementation of this asana should be sure to relax. To do this, while lying on her stomach, put his head on the mat, turn it left or right, pull the hand along the trunk and totally relax. 

Bow pose 

Technology Implementation: 

1. Lie on the floor throughout the entire length of the body face down on your stomach. 

2. Bend the legs at the knees. Pull your hands back and take the left hand over his left ankle and right arm - for the right ankle. Two inhalation-exhalations. 

3. Completely and try to pull the legs up, lifting your knees and chest of both sexes. In this position the hand and wrist acting as the bowstring, body like a bow. 

4. Raise your head and carry it as far back; rotten in the back to such an extent that no ribs or pelvic bones are not touching the ground. Only the stomach to bear the weight of the body. 

5. Make sure that feet and rising, not joined at the knees - so you can raise them higher. Only when the legs are fully extended up, connect the hips, knees and ankles. 

6. Since the stomach is stretched, your breathing will be rapid. Stay in the posture of the possibility of 20 seconds to 1 minute. 

7. Then exhale release the ankles, legs straight pull, pull your head and feet on the floor and relax. 

8. Repeat this exercise 5 times. 

The main secret in the reconstruction of the spine with the help of yoga exercises - this is the patience and the regularity of performance of asana.

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