Monday, June 8, 2009

Yoga against fatigue, insomnia and headaches

How good we look at envy children! I would have their energy and performance, - so thinks every adult. To regain mobility of the child, of course, impossible, but all the strength to struggle with chronic fatigue and its various manifestations, for example, headache or insomnia. 

If the headache pain can cope with modern medicines, which, of course, is not particularly useful for the organism, that is the constant fatigue and insomnia are problems that are far more serious. Insomnia spoke of the high nervous-emotional stress and fatigue and apathy - on the organism is unable to have their own pick up, even in a dream. This must be resisted; otherwise the life in this mode can lead to serious pathologies. 

Yoga offers an active way to confront these issues. 

Parasite Padottanasana 

Technology Implementation: 

1. Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and podtyanite posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

2. Breath, lay hands on the waist (your fingers should be sent in advance) and Slide legs as widely (at 130-150 cm), heavily rotten ago. 

3. Push legs patella upwards. and put his hands on the floor between the feet in line with the shoulders and the width of the shoulders. 

4. Breath and lift his head up, holding the back concave. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and breathe normally. 

5. Bend hands in elbows and touches the floor head and legs at the knees, try not to bend. Body weight while be on his feet - do not move the body weight on the head. Make sure that both feet; both hands and head were in one line. 

6. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, breathe deeply and evenly. Those who cannot bend so far as to touch the crown sex may be an inclination to put forward his hands a bit forward. However, the head must be kept in line with the foot. 

7. Breath, lift the head from the floor and straighten your arms in the elbows. Hold head high, pronged back as the beginning of the exercises. 

8. lift the torso in the upright position. 

9. Finally, jump back to its original position. 

Boat pose 

Technology Implementation: 

1. Sit on the floor; pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor near the pelvis, fingers turned to the footsteps. Pull the hands directly. Always keep your back straight. 

2. reject the torso slightly back, at the same time, lift his feet, holding them firmly, like rods, knees should be stretched. Try to maintain balance only through the buttocks, that is, that no part of the spine does not touch the floor. Lift the leg to an angle of approximately 60-65 degrees to the floor. 

3. Raise the hands above the floor and pull your hands forward, keeping them parallel to the floor from the hips. The palms should be facing each other and lie at the shoulders. 

4. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, breathe normally. Try to gradually increase the time spent on asana to 1 minute, as the effect of asana beginning to be felt only after 20 seconds. 

5. then, lower the hands, put their feet on the floor and relax, lying on his back. 

Abdominal lock 

Technology Implementation: 

1. Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, podtyanite upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and podtyanite posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

2. Put feet in width about 30 cm. 

3. Slightly forward, while bending your knees, fingers and put them at mid-thigh. 

4. Deep breath and then quickly so that air is pushed from the lungs at high speed. 

5. Gently bend hands in elbows and lower the chin to the chest. 

6. Hold your breath. Not inhaling, stomach - all podtyanite the abdomen to the spine and back up. Make sure that chest in no case was hollow. 

7. keeping tense the abdomen, lift the lumbar spine forward and upward. Raise your hands from her thighs and put them slightly higher at the edges of the pelvic bones, a more severe reduction. Straighten the back, while not diminishing the compression of abdominal muscles and back. Chin did not lift. 

8. Keep the posture adopted when possible longer, from 10-15 seconds, while holding your breath. However, do not try to detain him for longer than a can, and gradually increase the time of the asana, as it becomes comfortable. 

9. After the first relax your stomach muscles are not moving with the chin and head. Return the abdominal cavity in the normal position. Then slowly breathe. 

10. Take a few breaths and exhale - to restore the normal rhythm of breathing, and then repeat the exercise, but not more than 6-8 times in a row and only once a day. In carrying out this exercise, pay particular attention to the following points: only perform asana on an empty stomach and did not reduce abdominal muscles and back, until you push the air from your lungs, do not inhale as long as there is no weak contraction of the abdominal cavity. 

Practicing yoga is very effective, but not almighty. To prevent the accumulation of fatigue that leads to insomnia and headaches, you should rest until clear signs of fatigue. Unfortunately, on many an active and a lot of working people are not thinking about the need to rest and continue to work until the last line, which, alas, the disease begins. You need to always remember that human resources are not infinite; you need time to recover and replenish them

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