Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yoga and pain in joints

Problems with joints usually do not appear overnight, they arise because of destructive processes in the body, which last several years. Prevention in this case is especially important. In addition to proper nutrition and good rest, joints require a balanced physical activity. 

Effectively and comfortably at home, to provide necessary joints can work through the exercises of yoga. It should, as always, be noted that the asana - dimensions are joint exercises, but not the way to refuse medical treatment. Classes need to start slowly, with the development of one or two asana, increase the duration of employment as the body getting used to the load. 

Practicing yoga, improve the condition of joints 

1. Ardha Urdhvasana :Technology Implementation 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, shorten the top of the thigh and rear thigh muscles Abdomen, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 
• Bend left leg in knee socks and take the left foot, left hand. Right hand, lift up so that the palm was facing forward. 
• Make a quiet shallow breath and hold your breath. Delays after inhalation bend the left arm at the elbow joint, trying to raise the left leg above. 
• Make sure that the tribe is not rejected in part. Try to raise the left leg as high as possible. 
• Stay in this position a few seconds - until the last break after inhalation. Look straight ahead. 
• At the end, release the left leg and return to its original position. Take a quiet exhale through the nose. 
• Repeat the exercise in the mirror reflection - the same thing, do the right arm and right leg. 

2. Malasana. Engineering Implementation 

• Take the squat - feet together, the internal part of feet, thighs, calves, and relate to each other. The rear part of thighs, calves and respect ladyship. 
• Pull your hands forward - the hand looks at the floor. 
• Now Take your hands back, Slide feet and take his hands over heels. and pull the spine forward. 
• Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and breathe normally. 
• Take away the heels of your hands, bend the body forward, head hands behind his back and stuck his hands. Pull out the spine, trying to make it parallel to the floor. 
• Keep this position for 10-15 seconds and breathe normally. 
• unlink your hands, lift the block, sit on your buttocks and straighten the legs. 

3. Padahastasana. Engineering Implementation 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 
• feet to a distance of 30 centimeters (slightly less than the width of the shoulders), Get the most resistance. 
• forward and take big toes big, index and middle fingers so that the palms are facing each other. The legs do not bend. Holds hands big toes. 
• Always keep the head upward, pull out the diaphragm up to the chest, back vignette as possible to begin to sag coccyx, but not from the shoulders, and the motion passed by the area of the pelvis. 
• The legs hold firm, not bending their knees, and without loss of capture big toes. Pull to the scapula. In this position, make two inhalation-exhalation. 
• Then press and head to the knees, straining their knees and not removing toes from the floor. Stay in this position for 20 seconds, breathe normally. Please note - if done correctly, this asana the hands of bend in the elbows. 
• Breath, go back to the original position. 

4. warrior pose. Engineering Implementation 

• Stand on the floor on his knees. Keep knees together and feet are divorced so that you can come down on the floor between them. 
• Sit on the floor between the feet. Stop must be located on the sides of the thighs so that the inner side of each calf covered the outside of the corresponding thigh. Wrist, put on his knees, palms turn up. Always keep your back straight. 
• Stay in the posture for as long as possible, breathe deeply while. 
• Then turn the hands palms down, putting them on their knees. 
• cover your fingers and pull your hands over your head with your palms facing upwards. 
• Stay in this position for 1 minute, breathe deeply still. 
• Then fingers, place the palms on the soles of feet, bent forward so that his chin touched the knee. 
• In this position, too, stay for 1 minute, now breathe normally. 
• At the end of breath, lift the torso, move the foot forward and relax. 
• If the posture of the above would be difficult at first, you can put one foot to another and delete the buttocks at them. After gradually raise the foot, to bring them into position on the sides of the hips in order to try to sit still between them. 

Our joints can be compared to a door awning: if we constantly use the door and lubricates hinges, they will not script and the door slightly open. Unlike shelters, lubrication of our joints is automatically done in the performance of physical exercises. Of course, most of the changes in the tissues of the joints associated with age-related changes, but they can be partially corrected with the help of drugs.

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