Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Practicing yoga improves gastrointestinal

Digestive system is alien to it constantly load - the lack of a clear diet, eating at night, low-quality products, often have a lead to what appear heartburn, constipation, disorders of the stomach and intestines. In order to achieve a rapid effect, especially in the so-called «crises, of course, you should use drugs, but if you care about long-lasting, long, natural result, it is necessary to engage in prevention. One proven method to improve the digestive system - a regular exercise of yoga.  

External signs of heartburn - burning feeling in the esophagus, which occurs as a result of a disposal of acid stomach contents into esophagus. 

Constipation - the lack of emptying the bowels for several days. Constipation can be a natural reaction of the intestines to the wrong diet, the situation is corrected diet, but often lock «interpretation» of a significant fault in the digestive system, in addition, he provokes the development of unpleasant diseases, such as hemorrhoids. 

Yoga Exercises to heartburn, constipation and indigestion stomach.


1. Triangle pose. Technology implementation. 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and podtyanite posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen please forwards the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

• deep breath and jump foot to 90 inches. Hands lift, divorced their hand at shoulder level, palms down, and keep them parallel to the floor. 

• Turn right foot 90 degrees to the right. The left foot, turn slightly right, holding his left leg stretched and strained from the inside of the tribe. 

• tilt the torso, summing the right palm to the right ankle. If possible, place the whole palm on the floor; try to at least the fingers of his right hand to get a rug at his feet, right little finger. Beginners, who are hard to bend down, cannot take a hand in ankle and shin for. 

• Pull the top left hand - the hand to take a vertical position so that it continued to line the right shoulder. The rear side of legs, upper back, and pelvis should be in the same plane. Please look at the pollex elongated brush his left hand. 

• Keep this posture of 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathe deeply and evenly. Then lift your right palm on the floor. Take a breath and go back to its original position. 

• Now turn the left foot at 90 degrees to the left, right foot slightly to the left, straining both the knee and perform the asana in a mirror image. 

• Jump back to its original position. 

2. Padahastasana. Technology implementation. 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, podtyanite upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and podtyanite posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen please forwards the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

• Feet to a distance of 30 centimeters (slightly less than shoulder width) to achieve maximum stability. 

• forward and seize toes large, the index and middle fingers so that the palms are facing each other. The legs do not bend. Holds hands big toes. 

• Always keep the head upward, pull out the diaphragm up to the belly and back vignettes as possible, so that bending starts from the coccyx, but not from the shoulders, and the motion passed by the area of the pelvis. 

• The legs hold firm, not bending their knees, and without loss of capture big toes. Pull to the scapula. In this position, make two inhalation-exhalations. 

• Then press and head to the knees, straining their knees and not removing your fingers from the floor. Stay in this position about 20 seconds, breathe normally. 

• Breath, go back to the original position. 

3. Pose for the allotment of gas. Technology implementation. 

• Lie on your back, feet together, arms along the trunk, put your palms down. Look straight ahead. 

• Slowly breath, stomach. Hold your breath. 

• Bend knee of right leg, around the lower leg with both hands and firmly press the thigh to the stomach. 

• Stay in this position for several seconds until the voltage cannot hold your breath. Then relax breath, lower leg and the hand to its original position. Restore breathing. 

• Perform the drill, bending the left leg. 

• Perform the drill again, and now bending both legs at the same time. 

• The whole cycle repeat 2-3 times. 

4. Posture reducing stomach. Technology implementation. 

• Stand straight; astride a distance of about 30 centimeters, (feet should be parallel to each other). 

• Take the squat; put his hands on his knees. 

• Touch the left knee to the floor, right foot, torso and head turn to left as far as possible. Palm of his right hand pressed the right thigh to the abdomen, pressing on the right side of the abdomen. Head back, turn left - look behind, to strengthen the torso twisted and the pressure on the abdomen. 

• Keep the pose a few seconds and lasts for a pause after the exhale. Breathe and come back to the original position. 

• Repeat the drill in the other direction, reversing the position of the legs: magnate right knee to the floor, and left - press down to the stomach, head, turn right. 

• Repeat on both sides by 4 times. Pay particular attention that this exercise is important to begin by turning the torso to left, because this option helps to correct move the contents of large intestine. 

It is impossible to avoid the influence of negative factors in the work of the digestive system, but we can facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract - and one option is the regular performance of yogic asana.

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