Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yoga and the nervous system

Today's full and active life leads to the fact that many people too nervous tension gradually turns into a light depression, and depression - in the nervous tension. But here too, and to an emotional breakdown in the vicinity... 

Nervous system is in «extreme» Regulations, which naturally leads to its depletion. To avoid these problems, we should pay attention to prevention - yoga exercises in this case can be very useful. But it is noteworthy that a set of asana is by no means a panacea for nervous tension, but a good way to relax a bit. 

Even if at the beginning of class person is not serious about yoga (and so often the case), then as far as training is understood that any, even minimal physical activity positively affects the state of health, physical and emotional. 

The main symptoms of mild depression (i.e. talking about it, because this depression was accompanied by several other symptoms), and excessive nervous tension - a feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, loss of control over themselves, low self-esteem, constant anxiety (perhaps these features are familiar to almost everyone man). Cope with a preference for their own: someone goes to the doctor, someone can choose medicine to cope with the disease, and someone goes to the gym. The proposed set of exercises like adults and children. If done correctly, asana positively affect the body. 

1. Tree pose. Technology Implementation 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen stibnite, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 

• Bend right leg in the knee and place your right heel at the base of the left thigh to heel pasha and fingers down. 
• balancing on left leg, to connect the palm of your hand and lift your hands straight above your head. 
• Keep the pose a few seconds. Breathing random, shallow, through the nose. 
• Then put the hand, prize the palm of your hand, straighten the right leg, return to its original position. 
• Repeat the pose, balancing on right leg and placing the left heel at the base of the right thigh. Perform the pose of an equal amount of time on both sides. 

This exercise helps to focus attention and, in general, beneficial effects on the nervous system. 

2. Posture. Technology Implementation 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, shorten the top of the thigh and rear thigh muscles. Abdomen stibnite, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 
• Bend left leg in knee socks and take the left foot, left hand. Right hand; lift up so that the palm was facing forward. 
• Make a quiet shallow breath and hold your breath. Delays after inhalation bend the left arm at the elbow joint, trying to raise the left leg above. 
• Make sure that the tribe is not rejected in part. Try to raise the left leg as high as possible. 
• Stay in this position a few seconds - until the last break after inhalation. Look straight ahead. 
• At the end, release the left leg and return to its original position. Take a quiet exhale through the nose. 
• Repeat the exercise in the mirror reflection - the same thing, do the right arm and right leg. 

3. Subhuman Nair (posture, strengthens the cerebrospinal canal). Technology Implementation 
• Lie on your back, pull the legs together, arms along the trunk, and put your palms down. Relax, look straight ahead. 
• Pull the strong movement of the heel to the left leg, not removing her from the floor, toes while, conversely, pull on your own. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax the leg. 
• Now just pull the heel of a right foot. And in this situation remained about 5 seconds, and then relax the leg. 
• The same movement does now heels of both feet simultaneously. This situation remained about 5 seconds. Relax both feet. 
• Repeat the whole exercise 5 times. Breathe easy. 

4. Hero poses. Technology Implementation 

• Freeze must directly connect the foot so the heels and big toes touch. Push the knees, upwards patella, reduce the upper part of thighs and posterior thigh muscles. Abdomen, please forward the chest, spine pull up, hold the neck straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the heels and toes. 
• Deep breath, restate legs about 1 meter. Hands lift to shoulder level, turning them with your palms facing down. 
• The right foot, turn 90 degrees to the right and left - slightly to the right, holding his left leg stretched and strained in the knee. 
• Vydoh, bend right knee until the right thigh will not be parallel to the floor, while the right lower leg perpendicular to the floor, so that between the right thigh and right caviar formed a straight angle. Crouched knee should not be nominated for the ankle, but should be in line with the heel. 
• Hands try to draw out the maximum in hand. 
• Turn head to right, sending a glance to your right palm. Rear left leg muscle pull as much as possible. Make sure that the back of the legs, upper back and hip were in one line. 
• Keep the posture for 20-30 seconds and breathe deeply while. On inhaling, return to starting position. 
• Now do the same exercise in another way: his left foot turn 90 degrees left and right foot - slightly to the left, bend the left knee and do the exercise in left-hand side. 
• Beginners can use as a bearing wall or table. 

5. Hal asana (plow pose). Technology Implementation 

• Lie on your back on the mat, legs fully extend and straining the knees. Hands along the trunk put your palms down. 
• bend the knees, legs to the stomach, thighs squeeze on the belly. 
• With exhalation lift pelvis from the floor, helping themselves with their hands. Breathe evenly. 
• Slightly lower torso, arms and legs, move his head and pull toes on the floor. If this provision is given to the work, put your head over a stool or chair and place toes on it. 
• Push your knees and torso slightly upwards. Helping yourself with your hands, give it to a vertical position. Toes touch the floor as far as possible from the head. 
• Pull your arms in the opposite direction to the feet. 
• grapple long fingers and pull out the arms and legs in opposite directions. This gives a total strength of the backbone. 
• Remain in position for about 5 minutes during normal breathing. 
• To release the arms, lift his feet and slowly lower to the floor in the recumbent position. Relax. 

Prevention of depression and excessive nervous tension must be integrated. We need to remember the full rest (sleep), and find a way to escape from daily cares. Performing asana, we will concentrate attention on the exercises of Yoga; nervous system relaxes and does not reach the extreme state. 

It should be noted that for a beginning yoga presented something of a game seem so simple asana! However, their implementation raises some weight constraints, and then with the development of an asana must overcome the barriers - physical and psychological, that is beneficial to the human condition. 

Generally, if a person wants to get rid of a problem, it uses all possible means. Yoga can serve as a perfect complement to the designated doctor or the drugs do the long-awaited, most importantly - it is a sincere desire to help his body.

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