Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yoga as preventing colds and sore throat

Last autumn the window with his peculiar beauty and charm. Enjoy it is often hampered by catarrhal diseases. Not having to change to a cold and raw weather, you can easily get sick. Practicing yoga significantly reduces the risk of these health problems, and if they did have emerged, accelerates the recovery process. 

Angina - is a contagious disease, which affects the palatine tonsils. The disease occurs frequently, especially in the crude and cold weather. When angina is felt general malaise, pain when swallowing, fever, headache. Regardless of the method of treatment in the early days it is necessary to comply with bed rest and drink fluids liberally. 

Colds in people are usually called a number of diseases caused by super cooling the body against the backdrop of a virus attack. If cold is felt general malaise, cough, runny nose, sometimes the temperature rises. Symptoms do not occur simultaneously and are not at once, such as runny nose and cough may «hold» a long time. 

Asana can be performed to prevent, as well as during recovery, when major symptoms are not too worried. 

Again the basic rules of exercise. 

1. Exercises can be performed by men and women, like health and illness weakened, with 6 years and no upper age limit. 
2. Classes are conducted in a better ventilated room. 
3. Exercises should be done, spread out the floor on a soft cloth or mat. 
4. Clothes should be comfortable. 
5. Useful entire deal early in the morning or the evening before bedtime. Keep in mind - in the morning the body of a fettered, Be careful with exercises for strength. 
6. Following the exercises, you should breathe through the nose, mouth closed. 
7. Asana should be done on an empty stomach, not earlier than 3 hours after meals. 
8. In yoga unacceptable stress muscles, overload, and pain. Performing asana, we'll have to go from simple to complex. 

Exercises that improve the condition of the body with angina 

1. lion pose. Technology Implementation 

o Sit on the floor, pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor near the pelvis. Fingers are addressed to the footsteps. Pull the hands directly. Always keep your back straight. 
o Bend the right leg in the knee, and helping yourself by hand, place your right foot under your right buttock, then bend the left leg and place left foot under the left buttock. Sit on heels, toes turned backward. Hands put on his knees. 
o Then move the body weight on the hips and knees. 
o Pull the body forward, keep your back straight. 
o Hands straighten, with a voltage pull fingers, and Slide their davite their knees, severely straining the brush. 
o widely open mouth, visited language, as far as possible, trying to get the tip of his chin, as much as possible open their eyes. 
o Looking forward to the tip of the nose. Stay in position about 30 seconds, breathe through the mouth. 
o Remove the tongue, close your mouth, remove the stress from the eyes, remove the brush from the knees and straighten the legs. Take quiet slow breaths through the nose. 
o Exercise execute 3-5 times in a row. 

The therapeutic effect. Exercise improves blood circulation in the throat and neck - it's a good disease prevention tonsils. 

2. Rabbit pose. Technology implementation. 

o Sit on the floor, pull the leg straight in front of you. Bend your right leg in the knee, and helping yourself by hand; place your right foot under your right buttock, then bend the left leg and place left foot under the left buttock. Sit on heels, toes turned backward. Hands put on his knees. 
o Make a quiet slow breaths through the nose, followed by Hold hands over heels, big toes outward. Then exhale slowly tilting in the forward and down, trying to touch the pad near the knee loom. 
o Then uprights crown in the floor, chin firmly push to the sternum, and not changing the status of the legs, back and buttocks province forward until the hand holding the heel, not stood up to the elbows. 
o Remain in position a few seconds - until the last break after inhalation. On exhale, return to its original position. Exercises perform 1-3 times. 

3. Posture candles or birch. Technology implementation. 

O Lie on your back on the mat, legs fully extend and straining the knees. Hands along the trunk put your palms down. 
o bend the knees, legs to the stomach, thighs squeeze on the belly. 
o To exhale lift pelvis from the floor, helping themselves with their hands. Breathe evenly. 
o Again at exhale lift the torso even further up that it was perpendicular to the floor, keep his hands, the chest should touch the chin. 
o In the end, take the position that on the floor were just back of the head, neck, shoulders and back of the hand to the elbows. Hands that should be in the middle of the spine. 
o Vydohnite, straighten the legs. At the outset, may not be easy to keep the feet of a strictly vertical. It should stretch the back muscles of the hips and stretch up stronger. Elbows do not make the shoulders wider. 
o Stay in the pose for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time of the asana and 15 minutes, breathe evenly. Check that the neck was straight, and the center chin resting on the sternum. 
o Vydohnite, slowly and gently fell to the floor, release the hands, lie back and relax. 

Exercises that improve the condition of the body in the cold. 

1. Posture tilting forward. Technique Implementation. 

o Sit on the floor, pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor of the pelvis. Take a few breaths, exhale. 
o Vydohnite, pull the arms and grasp the big toes, each clutch between index, middle and thumb cuffs respective hands. 
o Stretch the spine and try to keep it prognostic. At the outset, is a sort of bulge, because the spine stretched only from the area of the shoulders? It should start from the back sag pelvic area at the rear, while the arms stretch from the shoulders. Then the bulge disappears and the spin will be flat. Take a few deep breaths, exhale. 
o then exhale, rotate, elbows. Use the elbows as levers to help pull the body forward, and try to touch loom knee. 
o Slowly lower the elbows to the floor, pull the neck and torso, and tap the knee nose, then lips. 
o When it becomes easy to make further efforts: Capture the underside and put his chin on his knees. 
o When this becomes easy, stuck a brush, cover your fingers and put his chin on the shin below the knee. 
o Make sure that the rear surface of the knee fit snugly to the floor. At the initial stage of the knees will rise from the floor. It should stretch the back muscles of the hips and torso to move forward. 
o Remain in the position which you can use, from 1 to 5 minutes, breathe evenly. 
o breath, lift the head from the knees and relax. 

2. Camel poses. Technique Implementation. 

o Put on your knees, keeping hips and feet together, toes while lying on the floor. 
o Place the palms on the thighs. Pull the thigh, back and spine vignette stretch rib. 
o Vydohnite, place your right palm on your right heel and left palm - on the left, and if it turns out then try to completely cover your palms soles feet. 
o Davit palms on the foot, head, back and reject the hog, try to keep the hips perpendicular to the floor. 
o Push and reduce buttocks, neck maximum pull back. 
o Stay in this position about 30 seconds. Breathe normally. 
o Release the hands one after the other and put them on the thigh. Then sit on the floor and relax. 

o Sit on the floor, pull the leg straight in front of you. Place the palms on the floor of the pelvis, giving your fingers to stop. 
o Bend your knees so that the foot, stood on the floor. 
o Transfer the body weight on the hand and foot, and lift the body from the floor. Straighten arms and legs, straining elbow and knee joints. 
o Pull the neck and head, the maximum ago. 
o Remain in position 1 minute, breathe normally. 
o Vydohnite, bend the elbows and knees, sit on the floor and relax. 

Yoga exercises have tremendous positive impact on the organism, but they are not an alternative to drugs, which recommends that the treating physician.

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