Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yoga through the eyes of novice

One day, sitting at the computer and eating a regular cake, I thought: "Is not it time I take up his piece?" Frankly, I very much hoped that a man shall scatter my fears and say that I was with a calm conscience, I can continue to absorb the sweet, and this does not affect my figure. But her husband has confirmed that it would be nice to honor the gym with his presence. So I decided to commit it to take up arms and, finally, sports. The strength of will I then need to do so, but the fateful decision was taken.

What to choose?

After reviewing the calendar of training the next sports club, I am nervous. It turns out that in addition there is a great variety of aerobic sports areas. Shaping, located in Tai-chi, stretching, Pilates, oriental dance, and that especially attracted my attention - yoga.

All I knew at the time of the fitness-yoga - is that all the exercises and postures, it is slow, the quiet music. And I, frankly, I very much like the activity, ie run, jump and intense wave limbs - it is not for me. And so here amateurish presentation of yoga, I went to class. Previously had to assure her husband that walk on broken glass, lying on nails and feet cast in the ears, I will not - his idea of fitness yoga was even vaguer than I am.


Was naive to believe that I have it all work. Besides, it seemed to me that posture did complexity is not represented. At least on the part of all looked fairly easy. But there it was. Especially hard to keep balance. «Pose tree» in my performance burial association that poor tree triplet gusty wind. My favorite posy in the next month became «posture Child» - relaxing pose, especially for tired backs. As well as posture, as it may sound terribly, «corpse» - performed in the prone position, arms stretch along the body, feet set, his eyes closed ... Several times I even almost fell asleep. In general, lie down to rest - so I always please.

But the difficult of all, I gave «correct breathing». «Do not forget to breathe, sending the breath to where we feel tension», - repeating the instructor. Easy to say! Well, I was not used to control their breathing - breathe and breathe, as are the complexities. However, it is difficult, it was only the beginning. Gradually I began to feel that it is such a breath of work necessary to help groups of muscles, and asks the right rhythm and operates calming. Yes! Yoga - this is an excellent sedative, balm for the wounds of your nervous system.

Home after the training, I returned appeasement, and even the crumbs in the keyboard and scattered her husband's socks could not take me out of myself. The latter, incidentally, became interested in, and whether I go to do sports. He thought that I would haggard, fall on the sofa, to complain about fatigue and require immediate bring me coffee and something to compensate for torture under the title «training». What's there to hide, after the first class and it was. But when I finally learned how to properly perform the exercises and breathing, and my muscles got used to physical activity, the body, as mentioned in the same cartoons, «such a nice facility, a», and fatigue as the hand removed.

Lightness, in the literal sense of the word, and because of the loss as a result of a kilogram. Although they lost, and not very much, however, and extra weight I have, fortunately, did not have much to gain. In the weight loss has played a role and sedative effects of yoga. In fact, we often sweet jam stress. Yoga relieves stress, no stress - no need to stress jam.

So, when a man once again asked to attend I go and I have a nice coach, I invited him to go to training together. At the end-all, he is also nervous work, and a little extra weight typed. Husband surprisingly easy to agree (on the coach will look like), and in the next two weeks I wore it to coffee and dessert on the sofa, where he suffered from «beyond the physical» after training. I do have already realized that beyond a load to appear only to people lead inactive lifestyles and prefer to cheat your free time for your computer or on the couch watching television.

And I suddenly became more clearly see the world around them. No, not that I have not seen before, just in our lives sometimes not until the beautiful leaves and other pictures of nature. But when I suddenly drew attention to a beautiful lilac bush dissolved in porch, which for several years, I just do not notice (fast home, eat and relax), I know - yes, something has changed in me.

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