Sunday, June 7, 2009

Real help every day

In the search for inexpensive and effective ways to improve their own health, many people pay attention to the Chinese gymnastics wash. This type of physical development has a number of differences from the traditional European exercise. 

- Various styles of wash can benefit as a child or an adult or older person. 
- Exercises to effectively develop, not only muscles but also joints. 
- With the affordable and simple exercises «being» circulatory and respiratory system of man. 
- The smooth and the same time, rhythmic movements relieve muscular and emotional tension. 
- Regular training increases total energy body, which improves the work of all organs and systems. 

You must first decide what style of preference. This is an important issue because, in spite of the complex influences of different styles have some impact on the organism. If you select the correct direction in practice, it would be easier to achieve the goal. 

Exercises for the development of the external forces 

The most famous of the external styles of wash school. The main doctrine of this school - the meaning of life is to strengthen the body and, consequently, improve the spirit. Exercises of this style of Wash aimed at the development of the external muscles, rapid movements, sharp, and straight, outwardly similar to Japanese karate. We offer a set of exercises, which is easy to learn and incorporate into their daily practice. 

The first step 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, arms lowered, fists are compressed, but the thumbs disqualified and relate to the hips to one side. Run nine and exhalation breaths, gradually increasing the degree of compression fists. Looking ahead, dropped shoulders, the chest does not puff out. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, hands lowered, his hands parallel to the floor, the left palm is directed left, right - right. Exhale and inhale to perform, as in exercise, number 1, with your palms while pressing down. During the wrist fixed, and fingers slightly drawn up. At the expiration, focuses pressure on the palm-down basis, but on the breath - for the delay in the fingers upwards, thus, with each inhalation-exhalation cycle of muscle tension increases. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, arms stretch forward, at the level of individuals, elbows slightly bent, palms deflected back, the thumbs touching and disqualified. Thus, the connection of palms in the face forms a triangle. Each time at the expiration pushed his hands forward with fingers inside the invasion is delayed. Only after the last breath, palms relax. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, arm stretch left and right at the shoulders, the palms look up. Stretch your hands, not moving them; if they have a cargo, weight increases with each cycle of breath-breath. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, palms tightly joined at the chest, the thumbs relate the body. On inhaling palm, diverge at exhale - cross cutting. Movement performed with the muscle strain. Finish with divorced palms. Exercise has a positive impact on the bronchi-pulmonary system. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, arms in hand to make and raise the level of shoulders, palms deflected, as if taking something out. With each breath cycle palms outward. Relaxation is only possible after the completion of all exercises. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, hands rose up high, and index fingers form a triangle, but over their heads. On inhaling teeth, clench tightly on the exhale mouth discloses. With each exhalation emphasized hands above. Head, eyes looking at the palm of your hand. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width. On the exhale, rotate the body forward until 90 degrees, overhangs easily. When you tilt the body - respiration, while the rise - breath. Brushes with every tilt of overhang are below. Relax the shoulders slightly lowered. If fatigue is not felt, can be repeated up to 81-breath inhalation. 

Second stage 

* Original position: feet at shoulder width, right foot right, step aside. The body tilts to the right so that the head is projected on the right knee. In doing so, put your right hand behind his back, watching the palm up, left hand bend in the arch and put your head with your palm facing out. Head turned right, try to see the left heel. Insert this in a rack, tightly connect your teeth, and then perform the breath. Performing similar and left. 
* Original position: feet at shoulder width, right foot right, step aside, to keep the body straight. Right arm with a fist to raise the compressed overhead. Head topple back, eyes looking at the right fist. The neck is stretched. Left-arm with a fist omitted compressed down, the center of the palm to the rear. Occlusion tight. Similarly, to perform the left side. 
* Original position: the body straightened, feet at a distance of 40 centimeters, the hand on the belt. Slowly to the horizontal, position the hips, heels while detached from the ground. Rose and president to 81 breathing. Presidia, exhale, getting up - inhale. 

General guidelines for conducting training 

* Start with the first class must exercise the first stage. Initially, the activity is performed at nine and exhalation breaths. Breathing it should be a slow and long, without constraint. 
* Having mastered the first exercise at the 9 breath, add another 9 and exhalation breaths, and so to 81. Only after the full development of the first exercises, you can go to the second, which should also serve to 9 cycles of breath-breaths, gradually bringing their number to 81. 
* At the training, after each exercise should be to relax, make a few steps working muscles. 
* When you exercise your teeth closed, lip, on the other hand, relaxed open, the language relates to the tip of the sky in the upper teeth. 
* In response to exercise, imagine that the air when inhaling stomach falls down, the point on the three fingers below the navel. 
* Do be from one to 3 times a day, but not immediately after eating.

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