Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yoga: a small charge to strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder belts

It was a beautiful woman with beautiful posture. Spread the shoulders, back straight, chin, a beautiful slender neck might not only complement the woman's image, but in no small measure to create it. Such may have a bearing not only the gymnasts! Of course, the lack of physical exercise and special cosmetic care in the first place to suffer neck, decreased muscle tone and skin in this area has resulted in the neck skin can age much faster than the owner of this notice of its ... 

Meanwhile, every woman can afford to improve the muscles of neck, shoulder belt, and hands. Of course, it is necessary to complete the impact of physical exercise and cosmetic preparations (currently on the market by means of skin care has many resources - creams and serums for skin neck). The next set of exercises derived from yoga programs and physiotherapist, is simple in execution and takes no more than 20 minutes of time. The main effect of these exercises - improve blood flow in this area, strengthening muscles, increasing mobility of joints. 

All exercises are performed in the sitting position, the number of repetitions, individually, depending on the desires and capacities. The delay in the regulations cannot for a few seconds, but a number of respiratory cycles (inhale-exhale), depending on training. 

1. Sitting on the tip of the chair (a chair should be stable, with a solid seat); a foot on the floor, his hands freely lowered along the body, back straight, shoulders. On inhaling slowly delete head to the right, trying to reach your ear to shoulder (with a shoulder remains in place). Stayed in that position for several seconds. On the exhale to return to its original position. Repeat the same left. When you have to affect the work the neck muscles. 

2. The starting position, as in claim 1. On inhaling deleted head forward, try to touch your chin chest to stay in this position for a few seconds. On the exhale to return to its original position. In the next breath tilt the head back, with the jaw closed, should feel muscle tension anterior neck department. On the exhale to return to its original position. 

3. Sitting on the tip of the chair, feet on the floor, his hands joined palms in the chest, shoulders, back straight. On inhaling pulled his hands up as if looking palms as high as possible. Detained for several seconds, and then through the side Put your hands down. Return to the original position. This exercise contains elements. 

4. Sitting on the tip of the chair, feet on the floor, his hands holding the back of the chair from behind (with the hands are in the shape of the wings), back straight, looking ahead. Make a free breath, to exhale maximally head smoothly to give back (strained muscles of hands, shoulders, neck muscles, chest), to stay in that position for several seconds. Then go back to its original position on the breath. This exercise contains elements . Sitting on the tip of the chair, feet on the floor, back straight. The left hand holds the seat of the chair as close as possible to the rear. The right hand, bent at the elbow, is located at the rear behind the back, keeping elbow left arm. Because of this situation, keeping his back straight and stomach tight, try to gently turn the head to the right, and touch on the chin right shoulder. Stay in that position for several seconds. Repeat the exercise in the other side, the situation changed hands. This exercise contains elements. 

6. Sitting on the tip of the chair, feet on the floor, back straight, hands divorced in hand with your palms down, parallel to the floor. Make a free breath, to exhale slowly tilt the body in the right side, try to touch the fingers of his right hand sex. The head with the left, view looking at the palm of his left hand. Slope should be made exactly sideways, not forward, sideways. Better to first make inclinations less deep, but correct. It is necessary to maintain the hand straight, when done correctly, the line source perpendicular to the floor. In this situation to stay for a few seconds. Then come back to its original position. Repeat the exercise in the other direction. This exercise contains elements 

7. Repeat the exercise several times 3 to restore breathing. 

Sit back and relax.

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