Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fitness yoga: alone or in a group

Different experts give opposing tips on where best to engage in yoga. If you go to a bookstore, the eye gets on fitness yoga, written by veteran authors who are convinced that yoga can be practiced at home. This said, and the mere fact of writing books. On the other hand, many experts do not recommend (and some even prohibit, papaya various kinds of complications) to study independently, allowing the practice only in specialized groups under the guidance of an experienced mentor. 

Rather, the core of this dispute is commercial interest, rather than struggle to «correct» Yoga. Good to be the author of self-yoga, which is on the first page will be advised, this self-conquest, go to the nearest fitness club recorded the group on Employment yoga. And if you think from a practical point of view - why people spend energy and time to write a self yoga? The answer is probably clear - to make money. 

Similar situation with the instructors of yoga, which for that asana and proper breathing, you can only learn under the guidance of an experienced instructor. On the one hand, most instructors of yoga - the fans of his case, but on the other hand, they, like all people, live under the laws of the material world, which will not 

Therefore, let us consider the question of where to begin to engage in yoga: at home or in a fitness center - from the perspective of a man who only decided to try this ancient art of healing the body. 

Most decisions in life we are influenced by emotions. The idea to engage in fitness-yoga likely is no exception. Therefore, before taking concrete steps in this direction, it is necessary for several days or even weeks to think about this idea and determine where to you will be more convenient to engage in yoga. First of all, pay attention to his character - which you yourself would feel comfortable doing yoga: home alone or in teams of associates. 

At the final choice may be influenced by many factors, and each person individually. Someone's inconvenient to get to the training room, so it should be the first to engage in at home to at least try, what is the fitness yoga. In some homes there is neither the time nor the secluded place to perform asana, or breathing exercises. 

It must be remembered that many people engage in fitness-yoga, but also a lot of people very quickly my new hobby. For this reason, deciding to engage in a group, do not just buy a subscription for 6 months at the most expensive fitness center in your city, and deciding to study at home, write in the classroom curfew and bed rest for all family members, so as not to distract. Usually, began their own health, the first man is looking - whatever kind of sports do. This is normal when trying to engage in fitness-yoga, a person over a period of time begins to look for other, more suitable for a kind of physical exertion. 

Now let's talk about the end. Seldom who begins to engage in yoga or simply a desire to improve their karma and gain spiritual enlightenment in the next incarnation. For most people the goal more realistic and landing. Someone experiencing chronic fatigue and constant pain in the back, there are people who want to lose weight or recover with the help of yoga, and so on. 

It is necessary to determine the purpose for which you are trying to reach with the help of yoga. Based on the goal, it can be concluded with a better plan activities: at home or in a team. For example, women during pregnancy is very useful to engage in yoga, but certainly better to do it in a team under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Yoga is very effective in the recovery of spinal injuries or after surgery to remove the slipped disc, but, of course, these problems also better addressed under the supervision of a professional. And if people are interested in how to get rid of chronic fatigue, improve efficiency, remove a small pain in his back, all of these and similar tasks could be solved with the self-employment and, of course, carefully studying the relevant literature. 

There are also hybrid versions. Began studying at home and entering the taste, you can continue to raise their level of training in the team. There are options and backward - learning under the guidance of the instructor required asana, people can continue to practice yoga at home. 

The options may be different, the main thing - do not delay the start of classes, and in the process of training to solve all issues.

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