Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ayurveda: spring balance

Spring - it is warm, the sun, love and renewal! Fine, but there is the other side of the coin: variable weather, when the rain, the sun, the wind, a hot cast, in the cold. In addition, consequently, there is a deficiency disease, drowsiness, runny nose, pain in the revolution and sulk. In addition - alas - recruited extra kilos over the winter. 

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian science of life, explains the spring ailments imbalance dos three - the basic physical energies that govern life. Spring balance these dos - wool, Pita and kopi - actively changing. Notorious revolution in the abdomen - this is the result of unbalancing wool and Pita. In addition, when it is warm, kappa goes out of balance - just like the banks of the river: it cold and all sorts of allergic reactions. 

Naturally, in the arsenal of Ayurveda, there are many ways to combat the malaise spring. Following the basic ayurvedic principles, you quietly and painlessly survive off-season and come into the summer with proudly raised head. However, remember: it is necessary to act on three fronts - food, lifestyle, and, finally, individually selected procedures that are qualified. 

To get started, talk about the spring diet. In this transitional period, we need an easy, simple and fresh food - it will help the body relax and adjust to new conditions. To restore balance, eat cooling food, when it is warm and warm when cold. 

Since kappa symbolizes water and land, and our challenge - it «calm», preference is given to vegetables and fruits, which contain less starch and less water. «At least tomatoes and eggplant, potatoes and bananas - said the doctor Noushad Ali Atcham Para ban, advises in the studio« Lotus »in Parikh. - Avoid fatty, sweet and sour. A perfect taste of spring - a sharp, bitter and astringent ». 

Cook meat and poultry is better on the open fire, and fish and seafood menu in the spring of Ayurveda to be a little bit - they were out of the water element. Limit the diet of wheat, as a side dish, choose green vegetables and rice. Try Indian peas Mango-made - this is an excellent product for the spring. In addition, of course, very good fresh salad with lots of greenery, with the addition of onions and garlic. 

In the rainy spring day is useful to drink ginger tea: a little rub ginger root, put in a cup, fill the boiling water, let stand for about five minutes and add a teaspoon of honey. This drink cheerful and leave no chance of cold and allergies. Actually, according to Ayurveda, the spring is not too much to drink. In any case, what you drink, do not be sweet, too hot or too cold. Ideal - warm green tea, astringent and bitter. 

This is approximately the spring menu. And the right mode, purify the body and preparing the body for the beach season we'll talk next time

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