Saturday, June 6, 2009

A yoga and daily life

Yoga - an image of thought and way of life. The word Sanskrit origin, which is the root of «kudzu», that translated into Russian means «combine», «bind». Under it also refers to such values as the «focus», «direct». Starting to engage in yoga, a person agrees with himself to live in peace and tranquility. Regular sessions with their inner world (to make it into a state of self-sufficiency, and then taking care of global problems), with his body and breathing, helping to easily move the daily physical and mental pressures that face us every day on the strength of the modern world.

First, it seems that yoga is not for you, but if it comes on a beautiful (with a small amount of wrinkles) face many During the class the emotions run away into the background, the muscles of the face is not stretched, and therefore the likelihood of mimic wrinkles greatly reduced. Proper, deep breathing and the regulation of breathing, as such contribute to an adequate flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, which is very important for the regeneration of skin, her beautiful, healthy color.

Yoga, I was engaged when she studied at the first and second year at medical university. The learning process was very grueling mentally and physically, it was necessary to break completely square about the essence of life, the treatment of diseases, not to mention the anatomy lessons (frail human bodies in formalin). First - serenely, no, not from horror, but rather from the fact that something is wrong that a young, attractive woman sees the outcome of life. To understand why people get sick, and help them become healthy again really like. In the early 90-ies, no fitness center, we were not. Classes, almost in secret, carried out a physician that the debt service activities of her husband a long time lived in India. There, she got to yoga while remaining absolutely Russian spiritual woman.

At first it was difficult to get used to switch from around the world to the internal sense of their beloved, abstract (in classes) from the external bustle, and then began to receive. Our «guru» (so we girls often called our teacher) was a woman of principle and it is financially indifferent (sometimes it is difficult to understand). Note that I often do not have enough time to come to class, she became involved with me at home, and then I was able to concentrate fully on its own.

No specific asana for classes, I suggest you do not. It is desirable to make specific, trained, knowledgeable person every subtlety. The complexes are different; they are selected based on the availability of any pathology available to the person.

Let me say that my physical stamina, which was very important for me to soak a tense rhythm of school, and my ability to concentrate at the right time to address specific problems, much improved. To this effect I wanted.

I - a woman, and therefore for me is always important to be the way I look. Even now, not doing yoga (for the experience gained in life, I'm developed a Complex Necessary me daily exercises that combine and yoga and aerobics, and shaping, and stretching), I continue to monitor them for their appearance. According to her husband and friends, I'm very well managed.

If you combine yoga with regular (morning and evening, every day) of face cream (day and night), you get a very good effect (a smooth and beautiful skin is a person), not to notice that it will be difficult. Together with improved appearance will and improved mood, which beneficially affect-being as a whole?

The skin of your face looks more fresh and young. It improves blood circulation in a little more, if you add light massage movements. For example, around the eyes (preferably with a special cream designed to care for the thin skin around the eye). Index finger hand hold light circular movements of the internal angle of the eye along the upper age, moving to the area below the eye. Skin tries not to stretch. Creams are selected individually, depending on skin type and your age.

Doctor - is very emotional cost (at least for me). Pass through a lot of human pain, so that only to the true causes of disease, and even spend a lot of force to persuade the patient in need of treatment, thus maintaining themselves in good physical shape for me is very important. If in my town a ball sports center with competent instructors for yoga, be sure to go to classes. When patients come to the doctor, they sometimes unconsciously, draw attention to the way it looks. If an itself vigorously and pull, the cure, and they will also enjoy life.

Yoga engages people of all ages. Your initial physical training is irrelevant. It is important to consult your family doctor or a General Practitioner of the existence of contraindications to take any physical exercise, telling him in advance, that want to engage in yoga

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