Saturday, June 6, 2009

Contraindications for yoga

There is virtually impossible to find a completely healthy person. Therefore, 99% of people choosing to take up yoga have any hidden or obvious health problems. The potential of yoga as a way of healing the body is indeed infinite, but this is the problem: Everyone in this boundless ocean of need to find an individual path to their own health. The main rule for any sanitary procedures - not to harm. Here we will talk today about the precautions to engage in yoga. 

Before considering the explicit contraindications, we will focus on one very important warning. Most modern books on yoga asana descriptions given in this format: the first photograph - the original position, the second photo - body position during asana and time required to perform the exercises. The man who had not been physical, not thinking, is all according to the description. Morning, just woken up (muscles and joints have not yet basmati and are able to sleep); it is to its original position and begins to perform asana. That's a fugitive, and the main problem. 

Performing even the simplest asana without preparation, we will engage a large number of muscles and joints, but as the morning of the muscles and joints have not yet basmati, very easy to get a small injury (muscle strain, a dislocation). After that, a person may be considered that the as a poor and, in general, yoga - this is not for him. 

Before you perform asana (even very simple), it is necessary for 5-10 minutes to perform simple physical exercises. This may be Maui arms and legs, squatting and attacks, the rotation body, and so on. Remember the lessons of physical education in high school. This rule must be respected and those involved in yoga in the evenings. 

Now consider the apparent obstacles and limitations that must be followed, doing yoga. 

There are some asana that are performed from the standing position, while the torso bends first one and then to the other side. For example, (triangle poses). If simplified, the provisions of standing (feet wider shoulders), arms with straightened and parallel to the floor, made bends to the left and right leg. Or half moon poses. These and similar asana should be discontinued if there are pains in the abdomen. If you have a hernia or postponed surgery on the abdominal cavity is necessary to consult the doctor. Women can perform these asana until the second month of pregnancy. 

As yoga is widely used in standing posture when it is necessary to keep a balance on one or two legs. For example, (tree pose), during the execution of which it is necessary to keep a balance on one leg. Even more complex version of a standing asana - it (hero pose). All these and similar positions requiring great physical effort, and time spent in them should be increased very slowly. Those who have varicose veins (and especially if after performing asana feel any discomfort or heaviness in the legs), it is necessary to exclude these from their practice of asana, or lie down after their implementation, putting down a soft roller. Also, you must be very careful so people who are sudden dizziness. 

In a number of yoga asana, in which the body should be tilted to the feet of standing or sitting. This, above all, and (posture tilting forward). Perform this asana should be very carefully those who have been offset vertebrae, while carrying the deletion of abrupt movements, especially in the last phase of head movement. If you have operations in the abdominal cavity or a disease of the abdominal cavity, you must be sure to consult with your doctor. Women can carry out such asana until the second month of pregnancy. 

Asana, which occurs in the performance of twisting body and squeeze your stomach area (eg, - pose reduce stomach - or - sitting posture by curling the spine), it is necessary to exclude those people who have observed the worsening of diseases of the digestive system, as well as stomach ulcer and duodenum. This asana is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy. We must observe the utmost caution those with weak heart and those who have recently had worsening pain in the spine. 

Implementation involves a series of asana trunk ago. For example, (snake plant), during the execution of which must be from probation raised through the hands of the upper part of the torso, or (posture grasshoppers) - of probation of hands-free need to raise both legs and upper torso. These asana are contraindicated for people with enlarged thyroid, pregnant women and those who have heart disease. It must be attentive to the people who have improved the function of any endocrine glands. For this reason, the youthful age of these asana contraindicated (in this period of human endocrine glands, and so excessively active). 

Very useful for the so-called inverted posture. Here, for example, several of them. Salaam sarvangasana (posture candles or Birch) - This stand on the shoulders, legs straightened and directed upwards, the hands supporting the body in the lumbar region. Or Shirshasana (stand on your head). With serious heart disease such asana in general are contraindicated if there is high blood pressure, the inverted asana should be done very carefully, after a long preliminary preparation. Pregnant women can perform these asana until the second month of pregnancy. If pressure is low, it is impossible to perform inverted asana at the beginning of classes - they have to finish training

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