Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What? Hormones Steering and Metabolism

One of the aspects of yoga, often referred to (and often in the wrong context), - the influence asana and panama in the endocrine glands and, in fact, the hormonal background in the body. It is these glands are the organs under the control of which are virtually all metabolic processes in the body, and the gland, in turn - under vigilant eye central nervous system. This is a very complex relationship, in violation of the smallest parts of which begin and various irregularities in the body.

Many words of Medicine moved into common everyday speech. It would seem that everyone now knows that the enzymes, hormones, metabolism. The emergence of many diseases taken habitually written off in a bad environment, bad habits, constant stress ... On whether this is true? Or, people still able to influence the state of their own health? Note - I am not talking about arrangement of chronic diseases and their treatment, as a relatively young body, and disease prevention, as well as a simple human desire, sometimes unconsciously, to be healthy. 

The ratio and concentration of hormones in the blood determines not only the physical and mental development of man, but his state of health. Modern medicine says that in the formulation of hormones may affect hundreds of external and internal factors, physical, chemical, mechanical. In short, any violations do not arise from nowhere, which means that if the impact to prevent these harmful effects, it can be saved and the health ... These words can be entirely attributed to the endocrine glands.

To begin: what authorities refer to the endocrine glands (in endocrine system, in other words)? The major organs of the endocrine system are the pituitary and hypothalamus (the education of the brain), thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus, or thymus, pancreas and adrenal glands, and sex glands: ovaries in women and testes in men. Endocrine cells are located throughout the body, such as certain hormones produces gastric mucosa and intestine, kidney tissue, liver and spleen. All these bodies produce a variety of hormones. 

Let's go back to yoga. In this exercise the utmost importance given the impact of asana and panama in the endocrine system. In the first instance, by increasing the blood supply, and hence, by boosting the supply of tissues with oxygen and essential nutrients, which leads to a complete work of these bodies. It should also remember the effect of «internal hydraulic massage» as a result of yogic asana: the human body can be thought of as a system of interconnected cavities that are filled with various liquids and gases in the process of implementation of internal changes in these body cavities and the pressure of changing blood flow and corrected metabolism. 

Asana, thus impacting on the endocrine system, very much. Enumerate some of them. I note that the asana are not ready to set of exercises.

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